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Please Take the River Stewardship Survey

Posted: 10/31/2005
By: Kevin Colburn

Who are you?  What do you care about?  What defines your relationship to rivers?  How can river managers help you have great paddling experiences? 

These are just a few of the questions that American Whitewater hopes to answer with our 2005 AW River Stewardship Survey. By takng a few minutes (roughly 15) to fill out this survey, you will help chart the course of our program in the coming year, and will help us better understand and represent your interests.  We are also going to share selected results of this survey with river managers across the country, in order to help them better meet the needs of the paddling community.   

We hope that every whitewater paddler in the US fills out this survey.  AW is excited to share this glimpse into the paddling community in a number of ways, including a report on our website.  Believe it or not, little is known about our little subculture, and that lack of knowledge leads to misunderstandings and mismanagement.  Through building and sharing an understanding of paddlers and their interests we hope to begin to treat the underlying cause of many river access and conservation problems - rather than the symptoms. 

The questions in this survey were developed under the guidance of Lynne Westerfield, a stellar AW volunteer who is in grad school at the University of Idaho.  We asked the River Management Society members if they had specific questions for paddlers and got many great suggestions which we have included in the survey.  We also included a number of questions of our own, to help us understand how paddlers relate to AW.  The rest is up to you!

Please Fill Out the 2005 AW River Stewardship Survey

Simply click on the link below and dive right in!

Kevin Colburn

302 Donnybrook Dr

Asheville, NC 28806-9518

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