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MD, Upper Yough: Congrats and Thanks!

Posted: 07/25/2001
By: Jason Robertson
491thumb.jpgCongratulations! We're on our way to successfully managing the Upper Yough Put-in at Sang Run. Our primary expense, toilet rental, was covered in 2001 and 2002! Additional donations will be used to improve and maintain access on the Yough. All donations go directly to American Whitewater (contrary to rumor, no funds go to the State).

Since September 2000, American Whitewater's volunteers have successfully:

1) 2000: built changing rooms at the Mountain Surf take-out in Friendsville,

2) 2000: built stairs to protect the river bank,

3) 2001 - 2002: worked to reduce the threat of riverside logging in the lower corridor just above Friendsville,

4) 2000: convinced the power company to provide current dam release and powere generation information on the web at, and

5) 2001-present: adopted the Sang Run put-in from Maryland Department of the Environment to avoid mandatory river access fees.

6) 2002: regraveled the Sang Run parking lot.

We'd like to extend our thanks to the individual donors who have helped make our 2001 Access campaign on the Upper Yough a success.

We'd also like to thank the Martin Foundation for providing the seed funds for our work on the Yough; Charlie Walbridge for his unwavering efforts to protect access; Jesse Whittemore for taking the lead on community relations in Friendsville; Hal Perez for mowing the lawn; Mike Bailey, Troy Dike, Nick Lipkowski, Pat Norton, Bob Gedekoh, Kitty and Barry Tuscano for their construction skills and expertise; and John Mason and Mountain Surf for their continued commitment to protecting access opportunities on the Upper Yough.

Thanks for all your hard work and support!

Jason Robertson

635 Joseph Cir

Golden, CO 80403-2349

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