MD, Upper Yough: Congrats and Thanks!
Since September 2000, American Whitewater's volunteers have successfully:
1) 2000: built changing rooms at the Mountain Surf take-out in Friendsville,We'd like to extend our thanks to the individual donors who have helped make our 2001 Access campaign on the Upper Yough a success.2) 2000: built stairs to protect the river bank,
3) 2001 - 2002: worked to reduce the threat of riverside logging in the lower corridor just above Friendsville,
4) 2000: convinced the power company to provide current dam release and powere generation information on the web at, and
5) 2001-present: adopted the Sang Run put-in from Maryland Department of the Environment to avoid mandatory river access fees.
6) 2002: regraveled the Sang Run parking lot.
We'd also like to thank the Martin Foundation for providing the seed funds for our work on the Yough; Charlie Walbridge for his unwavering efforts to protect access; Jesse Whittemore for taking the lead on community relations in Friendsville; Hal Perez for mowing the lawn; Mike Bailey, Troy Dike, Nick Lipkowski, Pat Norton, Bob Gedekoh, Kitty and Barry Tuscano for their construction skills and expertise; and John Mason and Mountain Surf for their continued commitment to protecting access opportunities on the Upper Yough.