Participate in Whitewater Study on Stanislaus River, CA
PG&E is relicensing multiple projects on the Middle Fork and South Fork of the Stanislaus River. American Whitewater is actively involved in the relicense proceedings. Because the runs on the Middle and South Stanislaus are remote little is known about current use or the influence of the respective hydro projects on whitewater opportunities. American Whitewater has advocated a sequential approach to determine which river reaches warrant further study in the relicense. PG&E has hired a consultant to gather additional information from the whitewater community regarding use of the respective reaches.
These reaches are from Kennedy Meadows (Middle Fork) and Strawberry (South
Fork) down to New Melones Reservoir. The objective is to identify the reaches in the project vicinity with whitewater opportunities and determine how the projects affect those opportunities. PG&E is using a format of interviewing boaters with questions about when they've taken their trips, what reaches were boated and how enjoyable their trips were. You will also be asked to assess the class of run, what you think a range of boatable flows might be, kinds of boats used, and if flow information is available. You will be asked what kind of improvements boaters can suggest in terms of flows, information and access. The interview takes about 1/2 hour. PG&E will set up a phone interview with anyone interested at a convenient time for them on their dime.
If you have boated or are knowledgeable of the Middle and South Stanislaus, please contact Carol Efird.
Carol Efird
Recreation Specialist
Duke Engineering and Services
phone (916) 561-4597
fax (916) 564-4203
Whitewater runs listed in whitewater guidebooks affected by project operations (see Holbek and Stanley, 1988) Note, this is not a comprehensive list runs on the Middle and South Fork Stanislaus. If you know of more then provide your input to Carol:
Middle Fork of the Stanislaus
Dardanelles Run (p. 144)
Donnells Run ( p. 146)
Sand Bar Flat Run (p. 147)
Mt. Knight Run (p. 148)
South Fork Stanislaus
Strawberry Run (p. 151)