Document - Middle Deschutes - Lower Crooked Wild and Scenic Rivers Management Plan
In October 1988, 20 miles of the Middle Deschutes, from Odin Falls to the gauging station near Lake Billy Chinook was designated by the U.S. Congress as a National Wild and Scenic River and classified as a scenic river area. Congress also designated the 9.3 mile segment of the Lower Crooked River from the National Grasslands boundary near Ogden wayside to river mile 9 as a National Wild and Scenic River and was classified as a recreational river area. Congress determined scenic, recreation, cultural, geologic, wilderness, hydrologic, fish and wildlife as well as historic and botanical resource values within the Middle Deschutes River corridor to be outstandingly remarkable. Congress also determined that scenic and recreation resource values within the Lower Crooked River corridor are oustandingly remarkable.Description
Management Plan for the Middle Deschutes - Lower Crooked Wild and Scenic RiverDocument Information
Filename - Middle Deschutes - Lower Crooked Wild and Scenic Rivers Management Plan403.pdf
Size - 5.49MB
Associated Rivers