Document - Niobrara National Scenic River Final General Management Plan
This Final Niobrara National Scenic River General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement is responsive to two federal courts ordering the National Park Service to prepare a general management plan and environmental impact statement that complies with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and National Environmental Policy Act, and to prepare boundaries that will protect and enhance the outstandingly remarkable values of the Niobrara National Scenic River. Accordingly, this final plan presents three boundary alternatives and three alternatives for managing the Scenic River. It also analyzes the environmental consequences of implementing any of the alternatives. Alternatives for managing the Scenic River include a no-action option (Alternative A), which establishes a baseline for comparing the environmental consequences of implementing each alternative, and analyzes the potential impacts of continuing the current situation. Because the conditions in 2006 arise from management actions taken in conformance with the 1996 Plan that was later nullified by the lawsuit discussed on page 4, the No-Action Alternative presented in this Plan reflects conditions that existed at the time the 1996 General Management Plan was written. The preferred alternative (Alternative B) develops a vision for cooperative management wherein the National Park Service would provide stewardship through an array of federal, state, and local partnerships to achieve management outcomes inherent in the operation of a unit of the National Park System on a landscape that would remain largely privately owned; and Alternative C develops a vision of independent National Park Service management on a landscape that would, in time, be federally owned within the limits permitted by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.Description
The General Management Plan guides National Park Service Management of the Nebraska's Niobrara Wild and Scenic River.Document Information
Filename - Niobrara National Scenic River Final General Management Plan482.pdf
Size - 13.65MB
Associated Rivers