Document - Regional Economic Impacts of Recreation on the Wild and Scenic Rogue River
In January 2009, the Save the Wild Rogue Campaign published a report by ECONorthwest analyzing the economic impacts of recreation-related spending on the Wild & Scenic Rogue River and benefits for the economy of Josephine County, Oregon. This report summarizes the results of the economic analysis. We estimate that in 2007 alone, river-based recreation, which includes rafting, fishing, and jetboat tours, on the Wild & Scenic Rogue accounted for River-based recreation on the Wild & Scenic Rogue River, which includes rafting, fishing, hiking, and jetboat tours, accounted for not less than $30 million in total economic output, including $15.4 million in personal income, and 445 full- and part-time jobs.Description
This report summarizes the results of an economic analysis of recreation-related spending on the Wild & Scenic Rogue River.Document Information
Filename - Regional Economic Impacts of Recreation on the Wild and Scenic Rogue River513.pdf
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Restoring the Rogue (OR)
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