Document - Flows and Recreation Quality on the Dolores River
Effects of instream flows on river recreation, such as whitewater boating, have received increasing attention in recent years. Many studies have documented relations between flows and specific trip attributes such as boatability and whitewater challenge, a well as between flows and overall recreation quality. A mailed survey was completed by 128 commercial and noncommercial boaters on the Dolores River in Colorado, who evaluated a range of flows. They also identified flows that provided minimum boatability, minimum whitewater, optimum whitewater, and safety. Overall evaluations show inverse "U-shaped" curves and highlight differences for boaters for boaters using different craft. More specific evaluations, along with data about level of agreement, allow interpretation of points along the overall curves.Description
Effects of instream flows on whitewater boating on the Dolores River in Colorado.Document Information
Filename - Flows and Recreation Quality on the Dolores River516.pdf
Size - 956.31KB
Associated Rivers
04. Dove Creek Pump Station to Slickrock II-III+(IV)