Accident Database

Report ID# 118401

  • Pinned in Boat Against Strainer
  • Does not Apply
  • Cold Water

Accident Description

From David Payer: The landslide is a recent event, and creating a hazardous feature on this otherwise fast class III river.

From Carson Tortorige: I’m not there and can’t get the local scoop. It’s a very pushy III(IV) river strewn with strainers and log jams (never riverwide). Landslides are also somewhat common into the north (river left) side. There must have been a slide at an outside corner with debris still caught in it at water level. Many times the jams are at the tips of islands stacked like a billboard. The river has a wave personality of something like the Kennebeck at standard 10K flow or such. Constant boogie and rolling waves, though Klutina is probably half that flow and narrower. These observations shows it is in the action stage. Very close to minor flood. I wish I could put my eyes on it because I want to say this is normal snow melt flow. I always just used visual observations prior to running. 


Pennsylvania woman dies after rollover during guided Alaska rafting trip

By Jeremy Hsieh, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage -

July 8, 2024 

A Pennsylvania woman died on Sunday after her guided river raft rolled over on the Klutina River near Copper Center. According to an Alaska State Troopers dispatch, 65-year-old Deborah Ann Burke of Harrisburg was aboard a river raft with a guide and two other passengers. The river current pinned the raft against landslide debris and rolled it over.  

Other rafts in the guided group recovered the guide, Burke and one other passenger, troopers said. Good Samaritans in a river jet boat rescued the fourth person down river and brought him to first responders waiting at a boat launch near the Richardson Highway bridge over the Klutina River, troopers spokesperson Tim DeSpain said in an email. Burke died as a result of injuries, troopers said. First responders could not save her. One other passenger and the guide were taken to the Gulkana Airport and then medevaced to Anchorage with serious injuries.  

Copper River Guides led the trip, which hit the water at about 4:30 p.m., DeSpain said. Troopers were notified about the incident at about 6:25 p.m. The company could not immediately be reached for comment on Monday.  

Copper Center is about 200 road miles east of Anchorage, where the Klutina River meets the Copper River. Companies marketing rafting trips say the Klutina River has Class III rapids, but vary in their descriptions of what to expect. Princess Lodges describes it as “fun and splashy.” Salmon Grove Campground & Fishing Charters describes it as “a very fast river flowing up to 14 mph” that only experienced boaters should run.  

A National Weather Service stream gauge shows the river levels at Copper Center rising through June and, so far, leveling off this month


Dispatch Text: On July 7, 2024, at 6:25pm, the Alaska Wildlife Troopers were notified of a rafting incident on the Klutina River near Copper Center.  One raft, in a guided group of three rafts, was pinned by the river current against landslide debris and rolled over.  In the rolled raft was a rafting guide, and three passengers. Rescue efforts were initiated on scene. The guide, and two individuals were recovered to a second raft. The fourth individual was not immediately located. 

Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Wildlife Troopers, and EMS responded downriver to the Richardson Highway Bridge where the fourth person was spotted and recovered by good Samaritans. One of the passengers, that was initially recovered to the second raft, identified as Deborah Burke age 65 of Pennsylvania, succumbed to her injuries after life-saving efforts by EMS were unsuccessful. The rafting guide and one of the recovered individuals were treated on scene and then medevacked to Anchorage with serious injuries. Next of kin was on scene and notified.

 Posted on 7/8/2024 12:01:43 PM by DPS\tjdespain

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