Accident Database

Report ID# 662

  • Impact/Trauma
  • Spinal Injury
  • Other

Accident Description

More info on the condition of the guy who broke his neck near the bottom of Steepness on the NF Payette. Sounds like he is a very lucky cowboy. Bob G

Original Message: From: David Olson To: Steve Herzog Tuesday, July 11,>>>

hi steve. drove to boise last night with scott smith and had dinner with moto and todd. ordered chinese food delivered to his room and yucked it up. he's doing great. a miracle he is alive. had he executed his roll and finished the drop, he likely would have severed his cord and died. had he swam the drop, he probably would have died. as it were, he reached up to the surface, realizing he was near the right bank, and grabbed a hold of a sharp rock and pulled himself up out of the eddy. had the garden valley medical clinic been open, someone there may have accidentally killed him. the x-ray technician at st. lukes could have killed him just moving his head around for the perfect picture. finally the neurosurgeon arrived and took control of the situation suspecting that it might be more than pulled neck muscles. so he fractured c1 in half. the usual result is instant death or complete paralysis. c2 moved completely off the shelf of c3. they opened up the back of his neck to see what they were doing. moved c2 back in place and then took a 12 inch drill up under his shoulder blade and screwed c1 and c2 together and then wrapped them in wire. he will be in a c-collar for 12 weeks. should have total lateral mobility and about 90% up and down mobility. can work as early as monday and can paddle as early as october. long range outlook for arthritis, etc. is really good because of location of injury. very little weight bearing on those vertabrae. moto told me he always says a prayer in the morning before he gets in his boat, for himself and his friends? well-being. he feels God just didnt want him to check out this time.>>>