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Help Support the Restoration of Twelvemile Creek (SC)

Posted: 12/10/2003
By: Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater Volunteer Kevin Miller is representing paddlers on a great project in South Carolina that will hopefully lead to the removal of three dams and tons of PCB laden sediment from Twelvemile Creek. Once the dams are removed, local paddlers predict a high quality Class IV creek run will be revealed. The environmental and recreational benefits of this dam removal project are significant and we are excited about affecting some real positive change on this severly impaired river.

Kevin has produced a great document called A Paddler's Vision of Twelve Mile River that contains photographs, descriptions of the river corridor, and a detailed outline of the restoration project.

Paddlers that are interested in supporting this project should check out a new Twelvemile Creek Website that Kevin just constructed to help raise awareness and drive public comment to decision makers.

Public involvement will really help restore this river. Please consider writing a quick email to support this awesome project! Go to the Twelvemile Creek Website to find out how.

Kevin Colburn

302 Donnybrook Dr

Asheville, NC 28806-9518

Full Profile
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