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AW Working to Restore Whitewater on Rogue River (OR)

Posted: 03/02/2004
By: John Gangemi

American Whitewater is working to restore whitewater opportunities, access and real-time flow information on this section of the Rogue. The Prospect Hydropower Project diverts water from the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> Rogue River and limits access to the reach between the powerhouse and Lost Creek Reservoir.  On February 23, 2004 American Whitewater filed comments on the impacts and improvements needed at this hydropower project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 

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The upper Rogue adjacent to the Prospect Hydropower Project contains three distinct whitewater runs ranging in difficulty from Class III, IV and Class V.  The springfed hydrology of the Rogue contains sufficiently volume for year-round boating opportunities.  The heart of this reach Mill Creek Falls section is dewatered by PacifiCorp's Prospect Hydropower Project.  The 1.5 miles from Mill Creek Falls to North Fork/Prospect powerhouse contains 10 to 15 Class IV drops.  Below the powerhouse the Rogue is Class III but the powerhouse adds an additional 1000 cfs.  This Class III section is approximately 3 miles in length.  


For the more adventurous, just upstream of the Mill Creek Falls put-in is the section known as the Avenue of the Boulders.  This reach has been featured in a kayak video titled "No Big Names".   Above that is the Class V+ Prospect Falls viewable from the Mill Creek drive bridge.  There is additional information about this reach on the American Whitewater streamkeeper page for the Rogue. 



Key Whitewater Issues:


·        Scheduled WW releases in August and September


·        Need a Controlled Flow Whitewater Study to define boating flows for the scheduled releases


·        Improve River Access at the Powerhouse and Lost Creek Reservoir (lower take-out):  Access at the Powerhouse would allow Class III boaters to use the lower 3 miles as well as more skilled boaters to run the reach below the powerhouse on a regular basis when most other runs are dry.


Realtime Flow Information

Associated Projects

North Fork Rogue (OR)

We worked to restore flows, provide public access, and made flow information available to provide boating opportunities on this river.