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AW Seeks Interim Protection for Wyoming Creeks

Posted: 11/19/2010
By: Kevin Colburn

Every 15 years or so each National Forest is required to update their management plan.  Part of this effort is to consider which rivers and streams on the Forest are "eligible" for Wild and Scenic designation.   Over the past few weeks American Whitewater has worked with regional paddlers to review the Forest's draft analysis.  Today we filed comments offering additional support for several rivers that the Forest found eligible, and recommending that several additional streams be found eligible.  Eligible rivers are afforded interim protection from dams and certain other impacts.


Perhaps most notably absent from the list of USFS recommended rivers was Bull Lake Creek, one of the premiere Class V expeditions in the United States.  In addition we recommended that Crandall Creek, Sunlight Creek, the North Fork of the Popo Agie, Grinnell Creek, and the New Fork all be deemed eligible.  We hope that our research and the contributions of the paddling community can offer additional protection for these spectacular rivers and streams.


Download and check out our comments in the box to the right of this article.


NOTE TO PADDLERS: One of the best ways to ensure protection of the streams you care about is by adding photos and descriptions to the AW website.  These resources are directly relied upon by agencies researching the recreational values of streams.  In addition, we use these resources in efforts like the one mentioned above to advocate for protection.  So post those photos and share those runs!  If you notice that your local forest is going through a forest planning process, contact AW and we'll help you work with the agency to protect the affected rivers. 



Kevin Colburn

Asheville, NC

Full Profile

Associated Rivers

Bull Lake Creek WY
Clarks Fork Yellowstone WY
2. Upper III-V
Clarks Fork Yellowstone WY
3. Honeymoon IV-V+
Shoshone, South Fork WY


Shoshone National Forest Wild and Scenic Eligibility Recommendations (11/19/2010)

American Whitewater's comments on the Shoshone National Forests 2010 Wild and Scenic River Eligibility Evaluation.

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