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Expanding Pardee Reservoir Still on the Table - Speak up for the Moke (CA)!

Posted: 07/22/2011
By: Megan Hooker

In April of this year, the Sacramento Superior Court sent the East Bay Municipal Utility District (“EBMUD”) back to the drawing board on its Environmental Impact Report for its 2040 Water Plan. This month, EBMUD is seeking public comment as it moves forward in preparing a revised plan, which still seeks to expand Pardee Reservoir and drown parts of the Electra Run and the entire Middle Bar reach on the Mokelumne River. The initial plan failed to recognize the importance and values of the Electra & Middle Bar reach, let alone consider the project’s impacts on the environmental, cultural and recreational values of the area. The court directed EBMUD to examine the project’s impacts on these reaches and consider additional water supply alternatives.  

As EBMUD moves forward to comply with the court order, the expansion of Pardee Reservoir is still on the table. It’s important that those who love the Mokelumne River tell EBMUD that expanding Pardee Reservoir and drowning the Mokelumne is still a bad idea. The Electra Run & Middle Bar reach are significant to a diverse group of interests - from boating and angling to cultural uses - and there are serious safety implications for the surrounding communities of removing the Middle Bar Bridge, which would be required if the project moves forward.  

It’s important that EBMUD hear from everyone who wants to see the Mokelumne River continue to flow freely through the Middle Bar reach.  American Whitewater has submitted comments on this proposed plan (linked on the sidebar to the right), and we encourage you to do the same.  A sample letter for your comments can also be found on the sidebar to the right, and will be most effective if you can personalize it.   

Comments are due July 29th, 2011 to

Dave Steindorf

4 Baroni Drive

Chico, CA 95928

Phone: 530-343-1871
Full Profile


07212011 AW to EBMUD Comment (7/22/2011)

AW Comment Letter to EBMUD re: expanding Pardee Reservoir

Sample comments EBMUD 2040 Water Plan July 2011 (7/22/2011)

Sample Comments to EBMUD re: 2040 Water Plan July 2011

Associated Projects

Mokelumne (CA)

AW negotiated releases, access, and other previsions on the Mokelumne through a dam relicensing process.

Associated Rivers

Mokelumne CA