Colorado River Access: Share Your Stories!
For the March 2016 issue of the American Whitewater Journal, we'll be highlighting the challenges and opportunities for river access that paddlers face across the country. In the West, where some of the most contentious access conflicts till persist, our Colorado River Stewardship Program wants to hear your stories!
Whether it's a terribly placed fence, a pissed-off landowner, bad signage, or local governments not honoring your rights as a paddler, we'd like to hear your stories of access gained and access denied Whether its in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, or Arizona, your account of access conflicts will help us update our database of incidents, and craft new policies that fix the problem. Stories about reduced flows preventing access are also welcome. Please include photos, and dont feel obligated to write a dissertation. Tell us how it is.
Please send your stories straight to our Colorado River Stewardship Director Nathan Fey at We need to hear from you asap!
Nathan Fey
1601 Longs Peak Ave.
Longmont, CO 80501