Help Us Determine the Economic Impact of Recreation in Colorado and Montana!
Posted: 07/20/2018
By: Evan Stafford
Do you like to paddle and/or recreate in other ways in Montana's Custer Gallatin National
Forest or the western slope of Colorado? If so, we need your help to understand the economic
impact of recreation there before Monday August 20th.
Our partners at Outdoor Alliance are working with a social scientist to measure the economic
impact of human-powered recreation including paddling in priority national forests in
Colorado’s Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest (GMUG) and
Montana's Custer Gallatin National Forest. We did a similar study last year for a couple of
forests in North Carolina. You can see the reports here.
Why do these studies? Grade A paddling for all ability levels exists in these forests, like Oh be
Joyful, Upper East and the Taylor River in the GMUG, and Big Timber, and the Boulder and Gallatin
Rivers in the Custer Gallatin, and these forests are now developing new forest plans, which will
serve as the blueprints for what happens in these forests for the next 10-15 years. These
economic figures help us advocate for a rock-solid plan that both protects the environment and
the outstanding whitewater resources found in these national forests.
If you recreate in Colorado and/or Montana, you can help by taking one or both of the economic
surveys here: MONTANA , COLORADO
Thanks for taking the time to help take care of our paddling resources in national forests today!