Public Meetings on Arkansas River, CO Announced

Posted: 09/23/2000
By: AW for DeAnne Fel, AHRA River Ranger
From: DeAnne Fell
Subject: Arkansas River Management Plan Revision Proposal
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 10:51:13 -0600

This is to inform you all of the upcoming public meetings regarding the Arkansas
Headwaters Recreation Area Management Plan Revision workshops during the first
week of October. NOW is the time for all interested to review the AHRA
Magagement Plan Revision Proposal*** and to express any concerns you may have
regarding changes that will affect the management of the river for the next 10

What may be of specific concern to you is: the proposal to increase the numbers
of commercial boats allowed in the Numbers Section (from 30 boats per day to 60
bpd), and the Royal Gorge section (from 150 boats per day to 225 boats per day)
of the Arkansas River.

There is also a proposal to increase the number of private boats allowed in the
Brown's Canyon section. There are other change proposals as well that might be
of interest or concern to members. Please help share the following information:

Public workshops on the proposed river management plan/supplemental
environmental assessment are being held the first week in October.

The schedule is:

Monday, October 2-- Leadville Mining Museum
Tuesday, October 3-- Buena Vista Community Center
Wednesday, October 4-- Bureau of Land Mangement Conference Room, Canon City
Thursday, October 5-- Cotopaxi School Lunch Room
Friday, October 6-- Salida Senior Citizens Center

All meetings will begin at 7:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm.

AHRA invites all interested parties to attend any of these workshops. Please be
prepared to address specific portions of the Management Plan that concern you.
*** Copies of the draft revision of the Plan are available at the AHRA office in
Salida, the BLM office in Canon City, the Chamber of Commerce in Buena Vista,
and US Forest Service office in Leadville.

For more information, contact the AHRA office at 719- 539-7289,
Monday-Saturday, 8:00am- 5:00pm.

Whether or not you attend a meeting, it is my understanding that all concerns
must be submitted in writing (asap) to the AHRA office in Salida at the
following mailing address:

Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area
PO Box 126
Salida, CO 81201

Thank You,

DeAnne Fell