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Over 1,000 Miles of Wild and Scenic Rivers is Back in Congress

Posted: 02/24/2021
By: Evan Stafford

Late last year you may remember our push to pass over a thousand miles of Wild and Scenic designations and millions of acres of protections for some of the most storied whitewater landscapes in the West, including the Grand Canyon (AZ), the Dolores (CO), the Olympic Peninsula (WA), and several whitewater rich watersheds in California (Trinity Alps, Central Coast, San Gabriels) under the banner of the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (PAWA) by attaching it to the end of year must-pass National Defense Authorization Act. Ultimately that play was unsuccessful, however now this legislation is back under the Protecting America’s Wilderness And Public Lands Act (PAW+) and it’s headed to the House floor for a vote this Wednesday February 24th. Your Congress person needs to hear that these river protections are important to you and as usual we make it super simple with our easy-action form. The details of the river protections included in this bill can be found in this prior article we wrote when this package was first introduced in Congress. 


This package of bills is the first significant vote of this Congress on river protections. Our community needs to show up in force to support these efforts like we regularly do. Showing up today, not only promises to protect these incredible rivers, but also greases the skids for future designations. For new members of Congress especially, these early votes are a litmus test for public lands and rivers issues. Our collective voices can help set the agenda!


This legislation is a solid step for the U.S. towards meeting our stated goal of protecting 30 percent of the country's lands and waters by 2030 (30x30). With protections that are both remote and close to urban areas, this package will also improve equitable access to protected rivers and whitewater recreation opportunities. Use our easy-action form today to show you support Wild and Scenic Rivers and the PAW+ legislation!

Evan Stafford

Fort Collins, CO 80524

Phone: 970-420-5378
Full Profile
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