Leave No Trace Policy

Posted: 01/22/2001
By: Jason Robertson
Your actions on and off the river affect how people perceive boaters in their communities. Here are 10 things you can do to protect access to rivers nationally.

  • 1. Drive courteously, especially in small communities.

  • 2. Park in designated areas and avoid blocking driveways or traffic. Seek permission from landowners before accessing the river via private property.

  • 3. Use existing trails.

  • 4. Use discretion when scouting, and attempt to hike on rocks and boulders when portaging.

  • 5. Dispose of human waste properly.

  • 6. Maintain a low profile at access points, and remember to turn down the radio.

  • 7. Pack it in - Pack it out.

  • 8. Prevent ground scars by using firepans or existing firepits in designated areas.

  • 9. Do all you can to protect the resource and avoid wildlife disturbance while enjoying your visit.

  • 10. Join American Whitewater. Learn more about our Access & Conservation Programs and how you can resolve river access issues in your community.


American Whitewater has been honored as a partner of Leave No Trace, Inc. in 2001 for our assistance in revising the Leave No Trace Western Rivers Skills & Ethics Booklet. Learn more about Leave No Trace at www.LNT.org.

Jason Robertson

635 Joseph Cir

Golden, CO 80403-2349

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