Document - Skykomish Geothermal Comments


On behalf of the 13 undersigned organizations and the tens of thousands of forest users, Washington residents and federal taxpayers who they represent, we are submitting written comments on the Environmental Assessment for the proposed Skykomish Geothermal Consent to Lease project. Our organizations support efforts to responsibly develop renewable energy resources as an alternative toward continued heavy reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. Such endeavors are one of many potential solutions to the increasing problem of climate change. We recognize that geothermal energy has important potential benefits in this regard as its development is now being pioneered here in Washington State. However, we also feel strongly that renewable energy development is not appropriate everywhere, or at any cost. For example, areas that boast some of the last best wildlife habitat and connectivity or wild intact ancient forests are not compatible with geothermal development or even certain levels of exploratory drilling. In addition, landscapes where significant resources have been invested to restore watersheds for healthy fish populations and clean and safe drinking water significantly bias a cost/benefit analysis against development.


Comments on the Environmental Assessment for the proposed Skykomish Geothermal Consent to Lease project

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Associated Rivers

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Skykomish Stewardship (WA)

AW is actively engaged in the conservation of the Skykomish River and its tributaries and advocacy for public access.