Document - Crooked River Internet Flow Study [Web]


The Crooked River is a Wild and Scenic River in Central Oregon with a popular whitewater run below Prineville Reservoir. Adequate flows for whitewater recreation are rarely found on this stretch due to irrigation diversions and the impoundment of the main fork at Prineville and of Ochoco Creek, a major tributary below Prineville. There are two whitewater stretches of the Crooked: the class IV (V) Upper Crooked, from Lone Pine Bridge to Crooked River Ranch and the class III (IV) Lower Crooked, from Crooked River Ranch to Billy Chinook Reservoir. An internet flow study was conducted between the summer of 2006 and 2007 for both reaches of the Crooked. The structural norm approach, impact acceptability curves and the Potential for Conflict Index were used to examine the instream flow-recreation relationship for the river. Researchers found a minimum acceptable flow of 1,400 cfs for both reaches. The range of tolerable flows for both reaches was found to be between 1,400 and 4,600 cfs, while for the lower reach tolerable flows reached past 5,000 cfs, the high end of the flow spectrum measured. Optimum flows for the Crooked River were between 2,000 and 3,400 cfs. These flows received high acceptability ratings, and the Potential for Conflict index revealed exceptionally high consensus among respondents over the acceptability of these optimum flows. Over 30% of respondents identified the Crooked River as the top priority in the region, in reference to the designation of American Whitewater’s time and resources.


Report of flow needs for whitewater recreation on the Crooked River, OR. [Low Resolution Web Version]

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Associated Rivers


Crooked River Internet Flow Study [Print] (10/1/2024)

Report of flow needs for whitewater recreation on the Crooked River, OR. [High Resolution Print Version]

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