Document - Comments of AW on Milner Mile Amendment


American Whitewater supports the proposed license amendment of article 415 to include April as a month when whitewater releases are potentially available at the Milner Project. The proposed amendment will enhance the ability of American Whitewater members to use the Snake River and areas surrounding the Project for recreational and aesthetic purposes, including but not limited to whitewater recreation, viewing the scenic river canyon, and enjoyment of the outdoors. We appreciate the efforts of the Licensees to consider the issues and suggestions raised by the boating community to improve implementation of this license article through the proposed amendment.


Comments on the license amendment to include April as a month for whitewater releases.

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Filename - Comments of AW on Milner Mile Amendment821.pdf

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Milner Whitewater (ID)

AW supports the efforts of local paddlers who have advocated for whitewater recreation on the Milner Mile.

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