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USA-WVR usgs-01595300 ABRAM CREEK AT OAKMONT, WV (AW#51354) Feet Stage 3.32 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01595300 ABRAM CREEK AT OAKMONT, WV (AW#51354) Flow 61 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03182700 ANTHONY CREEK NEAR ANTHONY, WV (AW#273630) Flow 121 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03182700 ANTHONY CREEK NEAR ANTHONY, WV (AW#273630) Feet Stage 7.40 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR river-2320 Abram Creek-US 50 Bridge to the confluence of the North Branch of the Potom (AW#39509) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-JSPW2 BACK CREEK NEAR JONES SPRINGS (AW#35127) Feet Stage 2.20 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01614000 BACK CREEK NEAR JONES SPRINGS, WV (AW#8959) Flow 57 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01614000 BACK CREEK NEAR JONES SPRINGS, WV (AW#8959) Feet Stage 2.20 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-BDKW2 BEARD KNOB RAWS NEAR DAVIS 4SE (AW#35046) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 69h56m
USA-WVR hads-BDKW2 BEARD KNOB RAWS NEAR DAVIS 4SE (AW#35046) Yearly Precip. 46.7 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-BDKW2 BEARD KNOB RAWS NEAR DAVIS 4SE (AW#35046) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 69h56m
USA-WVR hads-BDKW2 BEARD KNOB RAWS NEAR DAVIS 4SE (AW#35046) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 69h56m
USA-WVR hads-BEEW2 BEE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HERNSHAW 2SSW (AW#35047) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 54h58m
USA-WVR hads-BEEW2 BEE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HERNSHAW 2SSW (AW#35047) Yearly Precip. 42.0 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-BEEW2 BEE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HERNSHAW 2SSW (AW#35047) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 54h58m
USA-WVR hads-BEEW2 BEE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HERNSHAW 2SSW (AW#35047) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 54h58m
USA-WVR hads-BRWW2 BERWIND RAWS NEAR WAR 3S (AW#35061) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d22h58m
USA-WVR hads-BRWW2 BERWIND RAWS NEAR WAR 3S (AW#35061) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d22h58m
USA-WVR hads-BRWW2 BERWIND RAWS NEAR WAR 3S (AW#35061) Yearly Precip. 43.5 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-BRWW2 BERWIND RAWS NEAR WAR 3S (AW#35061) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d22h58m
USA-WVR hads-ASHW2 BIG COAL RIVER AT ASHFORD (AW#35043) Feet Stage 3.17 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03198500 BIG COAL RIVER AT ASHFORD, WV (AW#8265) Flow 579 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03198500 BIG COAL RIVER AT ASHFORD, WV (AW#8265) Feet Stage 3.17 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03070500 BIG SANDY CREEK AT ROCKVILLE, WV (AW#1328) Flow 527 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03070500 BIG SANDY CREEK AT ROCKVILLE, WV (AW#1328) Feet Stage 5.86 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03197445 BIG SANDY CREEK BL LT HAND CREEK NR CLENDENIN, WV (AW#273605) Feet Stage 4.47 ft 00h19m
USA-WVR hads-ROCW2 BIG SANDY CREEK NEAR ROCKVILLE 5SW (AW#35178) Feet Stage 5.96 ft 04h58m
USA-WVR hads-IRCW2 BIRCH RIVER (AW#35122) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h13m
USA-WVR hads-IRCW2 BIRCH RIVER (AW#35122) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h13m
USA-WVR hads-IRCW2 BIRCH RIVER (AW#35122) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h13m
USA-WVR hads-IRCW2 BIRCH RIVER (AW#35122) Yearly Precip. 50.4 in/yr 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03196500 BIRCH RIVER AT HEROLD, WV (AW#50955) Feet Stage 4.50 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-BWRW2 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS (AW#35067) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-BWRW2 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS (AW#35067) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-BWRW2 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS (AW#35067) Feet Stage 3.02 ft 06h28m
USA-WVR hads-BWRW2 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS (AW#35067) Yearly Precip. 42.0 in/yr 05h13m
USA-WVR hads-BWRW2 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS (AW#35067) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 06h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03066000 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS, WV (AW#1323) Feet Stage 2.93 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03066000 BLACKWATER RIVER AT DAVIS, WV (AW#1323) Flow 302 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-BLLW2 BLUESTONE LAKE NEAR HINTON 3SE (AW#35054) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 16h00m
USA-WVR hads-BLLW2 BLUESTONE LAKE NEAR HINTON 3SE (AW#35054) Yearly Precip. 74.3 in/yr 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-BLLW2 BLUESTONE LAKE NEAR HINTON 3SE (AW#35054) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 16h00m
USA-WVR hads-BLLW2 BLUESTONE LAKE NEAR HINTON 3SE (AW#35054) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 16h00m
USA-WVR hads-BLLW2 BLUESTONE LAKE NEAR HINTON 3SE (AW#35054) Precip. in 15m 0.00 in/15min 06h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03178000 BLUESTONE R NR SPANISHBURG, WV (AW#273583) Feet Stage 3.24 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-PIPW2 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM (AW#35166) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 19h44m
USA-WVR hads-PIPW2 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM (AW#35166) Feet Stage 4.36 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-PIPW2 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM (AW#35166) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 19h44m
USA-WVR hads-PIPW2 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM (AW#35166) Yearly Precip. 4.6 in/yr 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-PIPW2 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM (AW#35166) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 19h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03179000 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM, WV (AW#1425) Flow 554 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03179000 BLUESTONE RIVER NEAR PIPESTEM, WV (AW#1425) Feet Stage 4.36 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03178179 BRUSH CREEK NEAR PRINCETON, WV (AW#273621) Feet Stage 1.33 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-SUGW2 BRUSHY FORK NEAR SUGAR GROVE (AW#35184) Feet Stage 46.79 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01607300 BRUSHY FORK NEAR SUGAR GROVE, WV (AW#8630) Feet Stage 46.79 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03052450 BUCKHANNON R AT BUCKHANNON, WV (AW#5941) Feet Stage 9.04 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03052450 BUCKHANNON R AT BUCKHANNON, WV (AW#5941) Flow 1060 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03052120 BUCKHANNON RIVER AT ALTON, WV (AW#50891) Feet Stage 6.47 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03052120 BUCKHANNON RIVER AT ALTON, WV (AW#50891) Flow 457 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-HALW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER AT HALL (AW#35111) Feet Stage 6.54 ft 04h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03053500 BUCKHANNON RIVER AT HALL, WV (AW#7352) Flow 1250 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03053500 BUCKHANNON RIVER AT HALL, WV (AW#7352) Feet Stage 6.47 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-BKNW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER NEAR BUCKHANNON 2NE (AW#35053) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 07h30m
USA-WVR hads-BKNW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER NEAR BUCKHANNON 2NE (AW#35053) Yearly Precip. 34.0 in/yr 07h30m
USA-WVR hads-BKNW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER NEAR BUCKHANNON 2NE (AW#35053) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 07h30m
USA-WVR hads-BKNW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER NEAR BUCKHANNON 2NE (AW#35053) Feet Stage 9.34 ft 05h58m
USA-WVR hads-BKNW2 BUCKHANNON RIVER NEAR BUCKHANNON 2NE (AW#35053) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 07h30m
USA-WVR hads-BRIW2 BUFFALO CREEK AT BARRACKVILLE (AW#35058) Feet Stage 2.66 ft 04h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03061500 BUFFALO CREEK AT BARRACKVILLE, WV (AW#1321) Flow 89 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03061500 BUFFALO CREEK AT BARRACKVILLE, WV (AW#1321) Feet Stage 2.63 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01636464 BULLSKIN RUN BELOW KABLETOWN, WV (AW#41702) Feet Stage 1.31 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01636464 BULLSKIN RUN BELOW KABLETOWN, WV (AW#41702) Flow 8 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR river-11444 Back Creek-1. Swinging Bridge Rd. to WV 9 (AW#276176) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2324 Back Creek-WV 9 to McCoy's Ferry (AW#39513) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3303 Beaver Creek-CR 11/1 old bridge location to confluence with Little Sandy Cr (AW#40495) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4313 Beaver Creek-Headwaters along Rt.93 to Blackwater River (AW#41471) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2325 Big Beaver Creek-Craigsville to Gauley River (AW#39514) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2327 Big Coal River, Clear Fork-1: Clear Creek to Ameagle (AW#39516) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2605 Big Coal River, Clear Fork-2: Ameagle to Whitesville (AW#39792) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2328 Big Coal River, Marsh Fork-1: Fairdale to Arnett (AW#39517) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2362 Big Coal River, Marsh Fork-2: Arnett to Dry Creek (AW#39551) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2857 Big Coal River, Marsh Fork-3: Dry Creek to Sundial (Pettry Bottom) (AW#40040) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3295 Big Coal River, Marsh Fork-4: Sundial (Pettry Bottom) to Whitesville (AW#40487) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-10525 Big Coal River-Whitesville to community center access (AW#50606) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4030 Big Creek-CR 10 bridge to the Greenbrier River (AW#41232) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3050 Big Run-Confluence with Teeter Camp Run to Cherry Grove (AW#40231) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2329 Big Sandy Creek-1. PA-WV State Line to Bruceton Mills (AW#39518) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2330 Big Sandy Creek-2. Bruceton Mills to Rockville (AW#39519) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2331 Big Sandy Creek-3. Rockville to Jenkinsburg Bridge (Cheat River) (AW#39520) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3297 Big Sandy River, Tug Fork-1. Panther to Wharncliffe (AW#40490) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3346 Big Sandy River, Tug Fork-2. Wharncliffe to Devon (AW#40540) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2332 Birch-Boggs to Birch River (town) (AW#39521) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-11643 Blackwater River-Timberline Rd to Camp 70 Rd river access ramp & dock (AW#280753) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3213 Blackwater, North Fork-Rt. 219 to confluence with Blackwater River (AW#40403) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2334 Blackwater-Blackwater Falls to North Fork Confluence (AW#39523) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2335 Blackwater-North Fork Confluence to Hendricks (AW#39524) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2333 Blackwater-Wildlife Preserve to Davis (AW#39522) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2336 Bluestone-1. Spanishburg to Eads Mill (AW#39525) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3091 Bluestone-2. Eads Mill to Bluestone State Park (AW#40272) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2337 Brush Creek-Confluence of Beaver Branch to confluence of Bluestone River (AW#39526) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-4307 Brushy Meadow Creek-Falls at Leivasy to confluence with Hominy Creek (AW#41489) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2341 Buckhannon, Left Fork of the Right Fork-Helvetia to Newlonton (AW#39530) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2340 Buckhannon, Left Fork-Star to Alexander (AW#39529) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2342 Buckhannon, Right Fork-Pickens to Alexander (AW#39531) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2338 Buckhannon-1. Alexander to Tenmile (AW#39527) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2339 Buckhannon-2. Tenmile to Sago (AW#39528) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3246 Buckhannon-3. Rangoon to Tygart Junction (AW#40437) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2343 Buffalo Creek (Cheat trib)-WV72 to Macomber (AW#39532) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2606 Buffalo Creek (Elk trib)-1. Confluence with Taylor Creek to Cressmont (AW#39793) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-4550 Buffalo Creek (Elk trib)-2. Cressmont to Clay (AW#43626) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3216 Bull Run-Bull Run to Cheat River (AW#40406) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-GCPW2 CACAPON RIVER NEAR GREAT CACAPON 3SW (AW#35105) Feet Stage 2.19 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01611500 CACAPON RIVER NEAR GREAT CACAPON, WV (AW#554) Flow 337 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01611500 CACAPON RIVER NEAR GREAT CACAPON, WV (AW#554) Feet Stage 2.19 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03178120 CAMP CREEK AT HWY 19 NEAR CAMP CREEK, WV (AW#273618) Feet Stage 2.38 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-CNVW2 CANAAN VALLEY 4S (AW#35078) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-CNVW2 CANAAN VALLEY 4S (AW#35078) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-CNVW2 CANAAN VALLEY 4S (AW#35078) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-CNVW2 CANAAN VALLEY 4S (AW#35078) Yearly Precip. 31.3 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03071600 CHEAT RIVER @ LAKE LYNN, PA (AW#36938) Feet Stage 11.00 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-ABRW2 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT (AW#35037) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-ABRW2 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT (AW#35037) Yearly Precip. 6.0 in/yr 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-ABRW2 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT (AW#35037) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-ABRW2 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT (AW#35037) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-ABRW2 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT (AW#35037) Feet Stage 14.37 ft 06h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03070260 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT, WV (AW#1327) Feet Stage 14.17 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03070260 CHEAT RIVER AT ALBRIGHT, WV (AW#1327) Flow 4510 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-LLPW2 CHEAT RIVER AT LAKE LYNN NEAR STEWARTSTOWN 3ENE (AW#35135) Yearly Precip. 26.1 in/yr 01h59m
USA-WVR hads-LLPW2 CHEAT RIVER AT LAKE LYNN NEAR STEWARTSTOWN 3ENE (AW#35135) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 65h44m
USA-WVR hads-LLPW2 CHEAT RIVER AT LAKE LYNN NEAR STEWARTSTOWN 3ENE (AW#35135) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 65h44m
USA-WVR hads-LLPW2 CHEAT RIVER AT LAKE LYNN NEAR STEWARTSTOWN 3ENE (AW#35135) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 65h44m
USA-WVR usgs-0307020015 CHEAT RIVER BELOW SALTLICK CREEK AT ROWLESBURG, WV (AW#274087) Flow 3990 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-0307020015 CHEAT RIVER BELOW SALTLICK CREEK AT ROWLESBURG, WV (AW#274087) Feet Stage 5.05 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-PSNW2 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 2N (AW#35170) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 28h28m
USA-WVR hads-PSNW2 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 2N (AW#35170) Yearly Precip. 35.8 in/yr 07h45m
USA-WVR hads-PSNW2 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 2N (AW#35170) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 28h28m
USA-WVR hads-PSNW2 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 2N (AW#35170) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 28h28m
USA-WVR hads-PSNW2 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 2N (AW#35170) Feet Stage 5.69 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03069500 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS, WV (AW#1326) Flow 2810 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03069500 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS, WV (AW#1326) Feet Stage 5.67 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-CLFW2 CLEAR FORK AT CLEAR FORK (AW#35074) Yearly Precip. 1.7 in/yr 8d19h29m
USA-WVR hads-CLFW2 CLEAR FORK AT CLEAR FORK (AW#35074) Feet Stage 3.18 ft 04h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03202750 CLEAR FORK AT CLEAR FORK, WV (AW#1449) Feet Stage 3.13 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03202750 CLEAR FORK AT CLEAR FORK, WV (AW#1449) Flow 302 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-WCFW2 CLEAR FORK AT WHITESVILLE (AW#35200) Feet Stage 12.82 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03198350 CLEAR FORK AT WHITESVILLE, WV (AW#5332) Flow 88 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03198350 CLEAR FORK AT WHITESVILLE, WV (AW#5332) Feet Stage 12.82 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-TORW2 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO (AW#35193) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-TORW2 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO (AW#35193) Yearly Precip. 4.5 in/yr 05h28m
USA-WVR hads-TORW2 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO (AW#35193) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-TORW2 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO (AW#35193) Feet Stage 10.73 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-TORW2 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO (AW#35193) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 09h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03200500 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO, WV (AW#1444) Flow 784 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03200500 COAL RIVER AT TORNADO, WV (AW#1444) Feet Stage 10.73 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-GDNS1 CONGAREE SWAMP NP RAWS NEAR GADSDEN 2S (AW#32857) Yearly Precip. 61.2 in/yr 01h27m
USA-WVR hads-CRBW2 CRAB ORCHARD NEAR BECKLEY 1E (AW#35081) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-CRBW2 CRAB ORCHARD NEAR BECKLEY 1E (AW#35081) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-CRBW2 CRAB ORCHARD NEAR BECKLEY 1E (AW#35081) Yearly Precip. 39.7 in/yr 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-CRBW2 CRAB ORCHARD NEAR BECKLEY 1E (AW#35081) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RCWW2 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD 5N (AW#35175) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RCWW2 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD 5N (AW#35175) Feet Stage 3.56 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-RCWW2 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD 5N (AW#35175) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RCWW2 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD 5N (AW#35175) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RCWW2 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD 5N (AW#35175) Yearly Precip. 15.0 in/yr 18h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03187500 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD, WV (AW#1432) Feet Stage 3.56 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03187500 CRANBERRY RIVER NEAR RICHWOOD, WV (AW#1432) Flow 288 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR river-11577 Cacapon-5. Stoney Creek Store, Largent to Fishers Ford (AW#276354) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-11578 Cacapon-6. Fishers Ford to Cacapon Power Plant (AW#276355) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-11579 Cacapon-7. Cacapon Power Plant to Great Cacapon (AW#276356) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2345 Camp Creek-Camp Creek State Forest to Bluestone River (AW#39534) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR virtual-6364 Cheat at Albright BRIDGE (AW#43474) Feet Stage 22.77 ft 01h31m
USA-WVR river-2349 Cheat, Black Fork-Confluence of Blackwater River and the Dry Fork at Hendri (AW#39538) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2350 Cheat, Dry Fork-1. 2 miles above the confluence of Gandy Creek to Gandy Cre (AW#39539) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2351 Cheat, Dry Fork-2. Confluence of Gandy Creek to Synder Road (CR 32/4) bridg (AW#39540) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3293 Cheat, Dry Fork-3. Synder Road (CR 32/4 bridge over Dry Fork to Jenningsto (AW#40484) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2352 Cheat, Dry Fork-4. Jenningston to Hendricks (AW#39541) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-4015 Cheat, Glady Fork-1, Glady to US 33 Bridge (AW#41219) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2353 Cheat, Glady Fork-2. US 33 Bridge to CR 12 bridge near Sully (AW#39542) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3300 Cheat, Glady Fork-3. CR 12 bridge near Sully to confluence of the Dry Fork (AW#40492) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2354 Cheat, Laurel Fork-US 33 Bridge to Cheat, Dry Fork (Jenningston) (AW#39543) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2355 Cheat, Shavers Fork-1. Spruce to US Route 250 (Cheat Bridge) (AW#39544) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2356 Cheat, Shavers Fork-2. US Route 250 (Cheat Bridge) to McGee Run (AW#39545) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2357 Cheat, Shavers Fork-3. McGee Run to Bemis (AW#39546) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2358 Cheat, Shavers Fork-4. Bemis to Bowden (AW#39547) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3047 Cheat, Shavers Fork-5. Bowden to bridge crossing Shavers Fork near Little B (AW#40228) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3296 Cheat, Shavers Fork-6. Bridge crossing Shavers Fork near Little Black Fork (AW#40488) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2346 Cheat-1. (Narrows) Below Rowlesburg to above Albright Power Dam (AW#39535) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2347 Cheat-2. (Canyon) Albright to Jenkinsburg Bridge (AW#39536) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2348 Cheat-3. Jenkinsburg Bridge to Cheat Lake (AW#39537) Status too high 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2360 Cherry, N. Fork-Third WV 39 and 55 Bridge to Richwood (AW#39549) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2361 Cherry, S. Fork-Beech Lick Run to Richwood (AW#39550) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2359 Cherry-Watergate Inn to Gauley River (AW#39548) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2363 Cranberry-AA (Upper): Above Cranberry Rec. Area to Cranberry Rec. Area (AW#39552) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2364 Cranberry-AB (Middle): Cranberry Recreation Area to Big Rock (AW#39553) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2365 Cranberry-AC (Lower): Big Rock Camping Area to Gauley River (AW#39554) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03062500 DECKERS CREEK AT MORGANTOWN, WV (AW#7518) Feet Stage 1.33 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03062500 DECKERS CREEK AT MORGANTOWN, WV (AW#7518) Flow 173 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-DCKW2 DECKERS CREEK NEAR MORGANTOWN 1S (AW#35086) Feet Stage 1.37 ft 06h13m
USA-WVR hads-BRSW2 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN (AW#35060) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 18h59m
USA-WVR hads-BRSW2 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN (AW#35060) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 18h59m
USA-WVR hads-BRSW2 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN (AW#35060) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 18h59m
USA-WVR hads-BRSW2 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN (AW#35060) Yearly Precip. 21.3 in/yr 06h43m
USA-WVR hads-BRSW2 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN (AW#35060) Feet Stage 3.76 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03212980 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN, WV (AW#1472) Feet Stage 3.74 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03212980 DRY FORK AT BEARTOWN, WV (AW#1472) Flow 219 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03064800 DRY FORK AT GLADWIN, WV (AW#5943) Feet Stage 5.18 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03065000 DRY FORK AT HENDRICKS, WV (AW#1322) Feet Stage 3.29 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03065000 DRY FORK AT HENDRICKS, WV (AW#1322) Flow 1310 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03063550 DRY FORK AT JOB, WV (AW#5942) Feet Stage 2.46 ft 00h19m
USA-WVR hads-HENW2 DRY FORK RIVER AT HENDRICKS (AW#35114) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-HENW2 DRY FORK RIVER AT HENDRICKS (AW#35114) Feet Stage 3.34 ft 04h43m
USA-WVR hads-HENW2 DRY FORK RIVER AT HENDRICKS (AW#35114) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-HENW2 DRY FORK RIVER AT HENDRICKS (AW#35114) Yearly Precip. 32.5 in/yr 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-HENW2 DRY FORK RIVER AT HENDRICKS (AW#35114) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 08h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03111950 DUNKARD FORK NEAR MAJORSVILLE, WV (AW#7991) Feet Stage 40.77 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2366 Daugherty Run-Co. Rd 3-12 to Cheat River (AW#39555) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2894 Deckers Creek-1. Masontown to Preston Co. line (AW#40078) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2367 Deckers Creek-2. Preston Co. line 5.8 mi to WV 7 (AW#39556) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2893 Deckers Creek-3. Rt. 7 to Monongahela (AW#40077) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3095 Deer Creek-Confluence with North Fork of Deer Creek to confluence with Gree (AW#40276) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03177120 EAST RIVER AT WILLOWTON, WV (AW#51002) Flow 36 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03177120 EAST RIVER AT WILLOWTON, WV (AW#51002) Feet Stage 3.20 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03197950 ELK RIVER AT CHARLESTON, WV (AW#251001) Flow 4870 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03197950 ELK RIVER AT CHARLESTON, WV (AW#251001) Feet Stage 25.35 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03196800 ELK RIVER AT CLAY, WV (AW#1441) Feet Stage 5.73 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-QUSW2 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS (AW#35171) Feet Stage 7.94 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-QUSW2 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS (AW#35171) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 11h44m
USA-WVR hads-QUSW2 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS (AW#35171) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 11h44m
USA-WVR hads-QUSW2 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS (AW#35171) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 11h44m
USA-WVR hads-QUSW2 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS (AW#35171) Yearly Precip. 18.3 in/yr 05h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03197000 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS, WV (AW#1442) Feet Stage 7.94 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03197000 ELK RIVER AT QUEEN SHOALS, WV (AW#1442) Flow 3950 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03195500 ELK RIVER AT SUTTON, WV (AW#1439) Feet Stage 15.65 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03194700 ELK RIVER BELOW WEBSTER SPRINGS, WV (AW#1438) Flow 1180 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03194700 ELK RIVER BELOW WEBSTER SPRINGS, WV (AW#1438) Feet Stage 5.53 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-CLYW2 ELK RIVER NEAR CLAY 1SW (AW#35076) Feet Stage 5.68 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-FRMW2 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN (AW#35101) Feet Stage 5.41 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-FRMW2 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN (AW#35101) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 11h44m
USA-WVR hads-FRMW2 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN (AW#35101) Yearly Precip. 19.4 in/yr 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-FRMW2 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN (AW#35101) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 11h44m
USA-WVR hads-FRMW2 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN (AW#35101) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 11h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03196600 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN, WV (AW#1440) Feet Stage 5.38 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03196600 ELK RIVER NEAR FRAMETOWN, WV (AW#1440) Flow 3350 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-SUSW2 ELK RIVER NEAR SUTTON 2SE (AW#35187) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d22h43m
USA-WVR hads-SUSW2 ELK RIVER NEAR SUTTON 2SE (AW#35187) Yearly Precip. 0.0 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-SUSW2 ELK RIVER NEAR SUTTON 2SE (AW#35187) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d22h43m
USA-WVR hads-SUSW2 ELK RIVER NEAR SUTTON 2SE (AW#35187) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d22h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03197939 ELK TWOMILE CREEK NEAR CHARLESTON, WV (AW#273632) Feet Stage 2.46 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03049930 ELKWATER FORK NEAR SPANGLER, WV (AW#45509) Feet Stage 99.06 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3877 Elk Creek-CR 20/19 bridge to Stonewood Exit of I-79 (AW#41042) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2373 Elk River, Back Fork-1) Confluence of Big Run to Confluence of Sugar Creek (AW#39562) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3237 Elk River, Back Fork-2. Confluence of Sugar Creek(Skelt) to Big Sycamore(Br (AW#40427) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3238 Elk River, Back Fork-3) Big Sycamore (Breece) to Webster Springs (AW#40428) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2812 Elk River, Old Field Fork-Confluence of Crooked Fork to Slaty Fork(town) (AW#39998) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2370 Elk River-1. Slatyfork to Elk Springs (fish hatchery) (AW#39559) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2817 Elk River-2. Elk Springs(fish hatchery) to Bergoo (AW#40002) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2371 Elk River-3. Bergoo to Webster Springs (AW#39560) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2372 Elk River-4. Webster Springs to CR7 bridge and gauging station (AW#39561) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-FLRW2 FLATWOODS 3S RAWS (AW#35100) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 54h58m
USA-WVR hads-FLRW2 FLATWOODS 3S RAWS (AW#35100) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 54h58m
USA-WVR hads-FLRW2 FLATWOODS 3S RAWS (AW#35100) Yearly Precip. 41.4 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-FLRW2 FLATWOODS 3S RAWS (AW#35100) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 54h58m
USA-WVR river-4162 Fall Branch-ATV trail to River Road on New River above Sandstone falls (AW#41346) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4275 Fields Creek-West of Browns Mill to confluence of Three Fork Creek (AW#41457) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-GRYW2 GARY (AW#35110) Yearly Precip. 134.3 in/yr 03h29m
USA-WVR hads-GRYW2 GARY (AW#35110) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 13h58m
USA-WVR hads-GRYW2 GARY (AW#35110) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 13h58m
USA-WVR hads-GRYW2 GARY (AW#35110) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 13h58m
USA-WVR hads-BVAW2 GAULEY RIVER ABOVE BELVA (AW#35066) Feet Stage 5.26 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03192000 GAULEY RIVER ABOVE BELVA, WV (AW#1436) Feet Stage 5.26 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03192000 GAULEY RIVER ABOVE BELVA, WV (AW#1436) Flow 4850 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03187000 GAULEY RIVER AT CAMDEN ON GAULEY, WV (AW#1431) Feet Stage 4.53 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-COGW2 GAULEY RIVER AT CAMDEN-ON-GAULEY (AW#35079) Feet Stage 4.53 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03189600 GAULEY RIVER BELOW SUMMERSVILLE DAM, WV (AW#1434) Feet Stage 11.47 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-SUMW2 GAULEY RIVER BELOW SUMMERSVILLE LAKE (AW#35185) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-SUMW2 GAULEY RIVER BELOW SUMMERSVILLE LAKE (AW#35185) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-SUMW2 GAULEY RIVER BELOW SUMMERSVILLE LAKE (AW#35185) Yearly Precip. 21.7 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-SUMW2 GAULEY RIVER BELOW SUMMERSVILLE LAKE (AW#35185) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-CRAW2 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE (AW#35080) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 17h14m
USA-WVR hads-CRAW2 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE (AW#35080) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 17h14m
USA-WVR hads-CRAW2 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE (AW#35080) Feet Stage 12.66 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-CRAW2 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE (AW#35080) Yearly Precip. 17.7 in/yr 13h13m
USA-WVR hads-CRAW2 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE (AW#35080) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 17h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03189100 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE, WV (AW#1433) Flow 2140 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03189100 GAULEY RIVER NEAR CRAIGSVILLE, WV (AW#1433) Feet Stage 12.66 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-GRNW2 GRANDVIEW RAWS (AW#35108) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 9d22h09m
USA-WVR hads-GRNW2 GRANDVIEW RAWS (AW#35108) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 9d22h09m
USA-WVR hads-GRNW2 GRANDVIEW RAWS (AW#35108) Yearly Precip. 38.3 in/yr 01h08m
USA-WVR hads-GRNW2 GRANDVIEW RAWS (AW#35108) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 9d22h09m
USA-WVR hads-ALDW2 GREENBRIER RIVER AT ALDERSON (AW#35040) Feet Stage 4.13 ft 05h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03183500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT ALDERSON, WV (AW#1427) Feet Stage 4.08 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03183500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT ALDERSON, WV (AW#1427) Flow 2270 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-BUCW2 GREENBRIER RIVER AT BUCKEYE (AW#35063) Feet Stage 3.74 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03182500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT BUCKEYE, WV (AW#1426) Feet Stage 3.74 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03182500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT BUCKEYE, WV (AW#1426) Flow 1090 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03182890 GREENBRIER RIVER AT CALDWELL, WV (AW#273622) Feet Stage 2.40 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03180900 GREENBRIER RIVER AT CLOVER LICK, WV (AW#273604) Feet Stage 2.14 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-DRBW2 GREENBRIER RIVER AT DURBIN (AW#35089) Feet Stage 2.26 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03180500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT DURBIN, WV (AW#8254) Feet Stage 2.24 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03180500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT DURBIN, WV (AW#8254) Flow 395 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03184000 GREENBRIER RIVER AT HILLDALE, WV (AW#1428) Flow 2670 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03184000 GREENBRIER RIVER AT HILLDALE, WV (AW#1428) Feet Stage 3.62 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03182600 GREENBRIER RIVER AT RENICK, WV (AW#273619) Feet Stage 2.50 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03182970 GREENBRIER RIVER AT RONCEVERTE, WV (AW#273623) Feet Stage 1.72 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-BRAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND (AW#35057) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 20h13m
USA-WVR hads-BRAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND (AW#35057) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 20h13m
USA-WVR hads-BRAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND (AW#35057) Yearly Precip. 0.3 in/yr 09h59m
USA-WVR hads-BRAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND (AW#35057) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 20h13m
USA-WVR hads-BRAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND (AW#35057) Feet Stage 7.35 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03204000 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT BRANCHLAND, WV (AW#1453) Feet Stage 7.35 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03203600 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT LOGAN, WV (AW#1452) Feet Stage 6.80 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03203600 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT LOGAN, WV (AW#1452) Flow 1870 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-MNAW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT MAN (AW#35143) Feet Stage 6.67 ft 05h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03203000 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT MAN, WV (AW#1451) Feet Stage 6.64 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03202300 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT PINEVILLE, WV (AW#273584) Flow 459 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03202300 GUYANDOTTE RIVER AT PINEVILLE, WV (AW#273584) Feet Stage 1.66 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-RDBW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER BELOW R. D. BAILY DAM NEAR HANOVER 2WNW (AW#35176) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RDBW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER BELOW R. D. BAILY DAM NEAR HANOVER 2WNW (AW#35176) Yearly Precip. 4.4 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-RDBW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER BELOW R. D. BAILY DAM NEAR HANOVER 2WNW (AW#35176) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-RDBW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER BELOW R. D. BAILY DAM NEAR HANOVER 2WNW (AW#35176) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 18h14m
USA-WVR hads-BAIW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR BAILEYSVILLE (AW#35044) Feet Stage 4.29 ft 03h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03202400 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR BAILEYSVILLE, WV (AW#1448) Flow 570 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03202400 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR BAILEYSVILLE, WV (AW#1448) Feet Stage 4.26 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-LOGW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR LOGAN 1W (AW#35136) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 08h29m
USA-WVR hads-LOGW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR LOGAN 1W (AW#35136) Feet Stage 6.78 ft 00h15m
USA-WVR hads-LOGW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR LOGAN 1W (AW#35136) Yearly Precip. 2.1 in/yr 04h28m
USA-WVR hads-LOGW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR LOGAN 1W (AW#35136) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 08h29m
USA-WVR hads-LOGW2 GUYANDOTTE RIVER NEAR LOGAN 1W (AW#35136) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 08h29m
USA-WVR river-2374 Gandy Creek-Sinks outlet to Cheat River, Dry Fork (AW#39563) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR virtual-6192 Gauley Below the Meadow (AW#43451) Flow 4238 cfs 02h01m
USA-WVR virtual-8515 Gauley at Summersville (cfs) (AW#8515) Flow 3188 cfs 00h32m
USA-WVR river-3044 Gauley-1. Confluence with South Fork to confluence with Turkey Fork (AW#40225) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2377 Gauley-2. Confluence with Turkey Fork to Bolair (AW#39566) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2376 Gauley-3. Bolair to Donaldson (AW#39565) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2386 Gauley-4. Donaldson to Camden-on-Gauley (AW#39575) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3105 Gauley-5. Camden-0n-Gauley to Curtin Bridge (AW#40286) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3106 Gauley-6. Curtin Bridge to confluence with Big Beaver Creek (AW#40287) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2378 Gauley-7 (Upper). Summersville Dam to Mason Branch (AW#39567) Status running 00h32m
USA-WVR river-3128 Gauley-8 (Middle). Mason Branch to Bucklick Branch (AW#40312) Status running 02h01m
USA-WVR river-2379 Gauley-9 (Lower). Bucklick Branch to Swiss (AW#39568) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2375 Grassy Creek-Orndoff Church to confluence with the Right Fork of the Holly (AW#39564) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2902 Green's Run-CR 52 to Cheat River (AW#40086) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3304 Greenbrier River, East Fork-AA) Bridge on FS 51 to Island Campground (AW#40496) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2384 Greenbrier River, East Fork-AB) Island Campground to confluence with the We (AW#39573) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2385 Greenbrier River, West Fork-AA) Wildell to Burner (AW#39574) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3308 Greenbrier River, West Fork-AB) Burner to the confluence of the East Fork a (AW#40500) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3399 Greenbrier River-1. Durbin to Hosterman (AW#40595) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3400 Greenbrier River-2. Hosterman to Cass (AW#40596) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3401 Greenbrier River-3. Cass to Clover Lick (AW#40597) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3402 Greenbrier River-4. Clover Lick to Laurel Run (AW#40598) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3403 Greenbrier River-5. Laurel Run to Marlinton (AW#40599) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4200 Greenbrier River-6. Spring Creek to Anthony (AW#41381) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4201 Greenbrier River-7. Ronceverte to Fort Spring (AW#41382) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4202 Greenbrier River-8. Fort Spring to Alderson (AW#41383) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4199 Greenbrier River-90. Talcott to Willowood bridge(WV 3&12) (AW#41380) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2383 Greenbrier River-91. Willowood bridge (WV 3&12) to Bellepoint (AW#39572) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2387 Guyandotte River-Simon to R D Bailey Lake backwaters (AW#39576) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-RPLW2 HOLLY RIVER NEAR CLEVELAND 5E (AW#35180) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-RPLW2 HOLLY RIVER NEAR CLEVELAND 5E (AW#35180) Yearly Precip. 12.5 in/yr 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-RPLW2 HOLLY RIVER NEAR CLEVELAND 5E (AW#35180) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-RPLW2 HOLLY RIVER NEAR CLEVELAND 5E (AW#35180) Feet Stage 6.39 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-RPLW2 HOLLY RIVER NEAR CLEVELAND 5E (AW#35180) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h28m
USA-WVR usgs-01616425 HOPEWELL RUN AT LEETOWN, WV (AW#124555) Flow 3 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01616425 HOPEWELL RUN AT LEETOWN, WV (AW#124555) Feet Stage 1.20 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03182900 HOWARD CREEK AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV (AW#251465) Feet Stage 2.70 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-HTNW2 HUTTONSVILLE 4SE (AW#35120) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 08h59m
USA-WVR hads-HTNW2 HUTTONSVILLE 4SE (AW#35120) Yearly Precip. 33.0 in/yr 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-HTNW2 HUTTONSVILLE 4SE (AW#35120) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 08h59m
USA-WVR hads-HTNW2 HUTTONSVILLE 4SE (AW#35120) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 08h59m
USA-WVR river-3701 Holly River, Laurel Fork of Left Fork-Holly River State Park to confluence (AW#40893) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2388 Holly River, Left Fork-Hacker Valley to Mill Dam (AW#39577) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3876 Holly River, Right Fork-Confluence of Grassy Creek near Diana to confluenc (AW#40990) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3700 Holly River, Right Fork-Jumbo to confluence of Grassy Creek near Diana (AW#40866) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2390 Horseshoe Run-Shafer to Bridge above St. George (AW#39579) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03177480 INDIAN CREEK AT RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV (AW#51001) Feet Stage 1.01 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03203647 ISLAND CREEK AT ROUTE 44 AT LOGAN, WV (AW#273607) Feet Stage 3.64 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR river-4205 Indian Creek-Raines Corner to Greenville (AW#41386) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-10511 Jordan Run-Jordan Run Road to Rt. 28/55 (AW#50538) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-KANW2 KANAWHA RIVER AT KANAWHA FALLS (AW#35128) Feet Stage 6.27 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03193000 KANAWHA RIVER AT KANAWHA FALLS, WV (AW#1437) Feet Stage 6.21 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03193000 KANAWHA RIVER AT KANAWHA FALLS, WV (AW#1437) Flow 13900 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-0319382976 KANAWHA RIVER AT S SIDE BRIDGE AT CHARLESTON, WV (AW#273611) Feet Stage 8.64 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03110830 KINGS CREEK AT WEIRTON, WV (AW#7468) Feet Stage 1.31 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03110830 KINGS CREEK AT WEIRTON, WV (AW#7468) Flow 15 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-WIRW2 KINGS CREEK NEAR WEIRTON 3N (AW#35203) Feet Stage 1.31 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-KGWW2 KINGWOOD 5S RAWS (AW#35129) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 23h57m
USA-WVR hads-KGWW2 KINGWOOD 5S RAWS (AW#35129) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 23h57m
USA-WVR hads-KGWW2 KINGWOOD 5S RAWS (AW#35129) Yearly Precip. 48.9 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-KGWW2 KINGWOOD 5S RAWS (AW#35129) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 23h57m
USA-WVR usgs-03181949 KNAPP CREEK NEAR MARLINTON, WV (AW#273616) Flow 100 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03181949 KNAPP CREEK NEAR MARLINTON, WV (AW#273616) Feet Stage 3.71 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-KOPW2 KOPPERSTON (AW#35130) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 18h59m
USA-WVR hads-KOPW2 KOPPERSTON (AW#35130) Yearly Precip. 52.0 in/yr 03h29m
USA-WVR hads-KOPW2 KOPPERSTON (AW#35130) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 18h59m
USA-WVR hads-KOPW2 KOPPERSTON (AW#35130) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 18h59m
USA-WVR river-2391 Kanawha River-Kanawha Falls near Gauley Bridge (AW#39580) Status too high 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03188900 LAUREL CREEK NEAR FENWICK, WV (AW#50937) Feet Stage 3.26 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03188900 LAUREL CREEK NEAR FENWICK, WV (AW#50937) Flow 119 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01599200 LINTON CREEK NEAR LAUREL DALE, WV (AW#51355) Feet Stage 59.13 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03199000 LITTLE COAL RIVER AT DANVILLE, WV (AW#273606) Flow 259 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03199000 LITTLE COAL RIVER AT DANVILLE, WV (AW#273606) Feet Stage 2.39 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03202928 LITTLE HUFF CR AT LITTLE CUB CR RD AT HANOVER, WV (AW#236502) Feet Stage 4.77 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-GLEW2 LITTLE KANAWAHA RIVER NEAR GLENVILLE 1ENE (AW#35107) Yearly Precip. 25.4 in/yr 09h59m
USA-WVR hads-GLEW2 LITTLE KANAWAHA RIVER NEAR GLENVILLE 1ENE (AW#35107) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 10h59m
USA-WVR hads-GLEW2 LITTLE KANAWAHA RIVER NEAR GLENVILLE 1ENE (AW#35107) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 10h59m
USA-WVR hads-GLEW2 LITTLE KANAWAHA RIVER NEAR GLENVILLE 1ENE (AW#35107) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 10h59m
USA-WVR hads-BURW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT BURNSVILLE (AW#35065) Feet Stage 6.08 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03151600 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT BURNSVILLE, WV (AW#1406) Flow 1020 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03151600 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT BURNSVILLE, WV (AW#1406) Feet Stage 6.07 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-ELZW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT ELIZABETH (AW#35095) Feet Stage 17.04 ft 05h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03152000 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GLENVILLE, WV (AW#1407) Feet Stage 6.72 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03152000 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GLENVILLE, WV (AW#1407) Flow 1310 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-GRTW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE (AW#35109) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-GRTW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE (AW#35109) Yearly Precip. 51.8 in/yr 08h29m
USA-WVR hads-GRTW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE (AW#35109) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-GRTW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE (AW#35109) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 09h44m
USA-WVR hads-GRTW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE (AW#35109) Feet Stage 11.74 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03153500 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT GRANTSVILLE, WV (AW#1408) Feet Stage 11.61 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03155000 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT PALESTINE, WV (AW#1410) Flow 3260 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03155000 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT PALESTINE, WV (AW#1410) Feet Stage 16.91 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-BULW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER BELOW BURNSVILLE 1SSW (AW#35064) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-BULW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER BELOW BURNSVILLE 1SSW (AW#35064) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-BULW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER BELOW BURNSVILLE 1SSW (AW#35064) Yearly Precip. 25.9 in/yr 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-BULW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER BELOW BURNSVILLE 1SSW (AW#35064) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-WLDW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER NEAR WILDCAT NEAR FALLS MILL 1SSE (AW#35205) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-WLDW2 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER NEAR WILDCAT NEAR FALLS MILL 1SSE (AW#35205) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 08h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03151400 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER NR WILDCAT, WV (AW#1404) Feet Stage 5.57 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03151400 LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER NR WILDCAT, WV (AW#1404) Flow 369 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01593500 LITTLE PATUXENT RIVER AT GUILFORD, MD (AW#7517) Feet Stage 2.30 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01593500 LITTLE PATUXENT RIVER AT GUILFORD, MD (AW#7517) Flow 25 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03197790 LITTLE SANDY CREEK NEAR ELKVIEW,WV (AW#273579) Flow 36 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03197790 LITTLE SANDY CREEK NEAR ELKVIEW,WV (AW#273579) Feet Stage 6.75 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03155588 LITTLE TYGART CREEK AT MINERAL WELLS, WV (AW#273615) Feet Stage 1.66 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-LGRW2 LOGAN RAWS NEAR ETHEL 5S (AW#35133) Yearly Precip. 40.2 in/yr 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-LGRW2 LOGAN RAWS NEAR ETHEL 5S (AW#35133) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d16h59m
USA-WVR hads-LGRW2 LOGAN RAWS NEAR ETHEL 5S (AW#35133) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d16h59m
USA-WVR hads-LGRW2 LOGAN RAWS NEAR ETHEL 5S (AW#35133) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d16h59m
USA-WVR river-2392 Laurel Creek (Cherry trib)-Jetsville (CR 39/14) to Fenwick (Cherry confluen (AW#39581) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2393 Laurel Creek (Elk River tributary)-1. Confluence with McAvoy Run to Erbaco (AW#39582) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3245 Laurel Creek (Elk River tributary)-2. Erbacon to Centralia (AW#40436) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2394 Laurel Creek (New River tributary)-Route 41 bridge at Kathryn to New River (AW#39583) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2885 Laurel Creek (New River tributary)-Beckwith to Cotton Hill (New Dries) (AW#40069) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4628 Laurel Creek (New River tributary)-WV 41 bridge to New River at Quinnimont (AW#43697) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR virtual-6734 Laurel Fork of the Cheat (AW#43488) Feet Stage 4.36 ft 00h47m
USA-WVR river-4172 Laurel Run-CR 2 bridge to confluence of the Big Sandy Creek (AW#41355) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4514 Laurel Run-To Cheat River (AW#43592) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-4217 Leatherwood Creek-Confluence of right fork to Confluence of Elk River near (AW#41400) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2396 Leatherwood Creek-Forks of creek to Bergoo (AW#39585) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2397 Lick Creek-Green Sulphur Springs to the confluence of the New River (AW#39586) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4192 Little Birch River-US 19 to confluence of Birch River (AW#41374) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-4164 Little Bluestone River & Tributaries-Cr 27 bridge to Bluestone River (AW#41348) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2426 Little Coal River, Pond Fork-1. Rocklick to Van (AW#39615) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3046 Little Coal River. Pond Fork-2. Van to Madison (AW#40227) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2907 Little Kanawha River, Right Fork-Cleveland to confluence with the Little Ka (AW#40091) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2906 Little Kanawha River-1. Holly Grove to Arlington (AW#40090) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2399 Little Kanawha River-2. Arlington to Ingo (AW#39588) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3746 Little Kanawha River-3. at Falls Mill (AW#40948) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3094 Little Laurel Creek-CR39/11 bridge to confluence with Cherry River (AW#40275) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2398 Little River-First bridge on Little River Road (FS 17) to Burner (AW#39587) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2899 Little Sandy Creek-1. Rt. 68 to Rt. 26 (AW#40083) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2401 Little Sandy Creek-2. Rt 26 to Big Sandy Creek (AW#39590) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4161 Little Wolf Creek-CR 14 Bridge to Greenbrier River (AW#41345) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR virtual-230541 Lost River, WV Dry Gorge Virtual (AW#230541) Flow 164 cfs 01h01m
USA-WVR river-3340 Lost-1. Lost River (town) to WV 55/259 bridge above Wardensville (AW#40534) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2403 Lost-2. WV 55/259 Bridge to WV 259 Bridge below Wardensville (AW#39592) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3339 Lunice Creek, North Fork-Confluence of Shell Run near Maysville to the conf (AW#40532) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3338 Lunice Creek-WV 42 bridge near the confluence of the North Fork and South F (AW#40531) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-MLRW2 MARLIN RUN AT MARLINTON (AW#35142) Feet Stage 29.54 ft 02h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03182050 MARLIN RUN AT MARLINTON, WV (AW#7995) Feet Stage 29.52 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-MARW2 MARLINTON 3E RAWS (AW#35137) Yearly Precip. 41.6 in/yr 00h36m
USA-WVR hads-MARW2 MARLINTON 3E RAWS (AW#35137) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h37m
USA-WVR hads-MARW2 MARLINTON 3E RAWS (AW#35137) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h37m
USA-WVR hads-MARW2 MARLINTON 3E RAWS (AW#35137) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h37m
USA-WVR hads-MTGW2 MARTINSBURG RAWS (AW#44516) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d07h00m
USA-WVR hads-MTGW2 MARTINSBURG RAWS (AW#44516) Yearly Precip. 37.9 in/yr 01h01m
USA-WVR hads-MTGW2 MARTINSBURG RAWS (AW#44516) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d07h00m
USA-WVR hads-MTGW2 MARTINSBURG RAWS (AW#44516) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d07h00m
USA-WVR usgs-03190000 MEADOW RIVER AT NALLEN, WV (AW#51285) Feet Stage 6.66 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03190000 MEADOW RIVER AT NALLEN, WV (AW#51285) Flow 1060 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03189863 MEADOW RIVER NEAR HINES, WV (AW#273620) Feet Stage 4.83 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03114350 MEATHOUSE FORK AT HWY 18 NEAR WEST UNION, WV (AW#273603) Feet Stage 8.57 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03114350 MEATHOUSE FORK AT HWY 18 NEAR WEST UNION, WV (AW#273603) Flow 35 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03178150 MIDDLE FORK BRUSH CREEK AT EDISON, WV (AW#7994) Feet Stage 22.21 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03204346 MIDDLE FORK MUD RIVER NEAR GRIFFITHSVILLE, WV (AW#273625) Feet Stage 3.40 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03051100 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT ADOLPH, WV (AW#273586) Feet Stage 4.23 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-ADRW2 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA STATE PARK (AW#35039) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 07h13m
USA-WVR hads-ADRW2 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA STATE PARK (AW#35039) Feet Stage 4.24 ft 06h28m
USA-WVR hads-ADRW2 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA STATE PARK (AW#35039) Yearly Precip. 7.2 in/yr 06h28m
USA-WVR hads-ADRW2 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA STATE PARK (AW#35039) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 07h13m
USA-WVR hads-ADRW2 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA STATE PARK (AW#35039) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 07h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03052000 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA, WV (AW#1312) Flow 773 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03052000 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT AUDRA, WV (AW#1312) Feet Stage 4.13 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03051260 MIDDLE FORK RIVER AT ELLAMORE, WV (AW#273582) Feet Stage 4.65 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03114431 MIDDLE ISLAND CREEK AT HWY 18 NR MIDDLEBOURNE, WV (AW#273613) Feet Stage 9.60 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03114431 MIDDLE ISLAND CREEK AT HWY 18 NR MIDDLEBOURNE, WV (AW#273613) Flow 114 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-LTLW2 MIDDLE ISLAND CREEK AT LITTLE (AW#48450) Feet Stage 3.32 ft 01h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03114500 MIDDLE ISLAND CREEK AT LITTLE, WV (AW#45206) Flow 309 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03114500 MIDDLE ISLAND CREEK AT LITTLE, WV (AW#45206) Feet Stage 3.31 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01616400 MILL CREEK AT BUNKER HILL, WV (AW#50899) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01616400 MILL CREEK AT BUNKER HILL, WV (AW#50899) Flow 7 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03062250 MONONGAHELA R AT HILDEBRAND LOCK & DAM (LOWER), WV (AW#49587) Feet Stage 10.18 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03062245 MONONGAHELA R AT HILDEBRAND LOCK & DAM (UPPER), WV (AW#49586) Feet Stage 9.59 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03062450 MONONGAHELA R AT MORGANTOWN LOCK & DAM (LOWER), WV (AW#36594) Feet Stage 10.19 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03062445 MONONGAHELA R AT MORGANTOWN LOCK & DAM (UPPER), WV (AW#49472) Feet Stage 9.91 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03062225 MONONGAHELA R AT OPEKISKA LOCK & DAM (LOWER), WV (AW#49579) Feet Stage 10.41 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03062224 MONONGAHELA R AT OPEKISKA LOCK & DAM (UPPER), WV (AW#48477) Feet Stage 9.32 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-MORW2 MONONGAHELA RIVER NEAR MORGANTOWN 1SW (AW#35146) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-MORW2 MONONGAHELA RIVER NEAR MORGANTOWN 1SW (AW#35146) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-MORW2 MONONGAHELA RIVER NEAR MORGANTOWN 1SW (AW#35146) Yearly Precip. 28.6 in/yr 01h59m
USA-WVR hads-MORW2 MONONGAHELA RIVER NEAR MORGANTOWN 1SW (AW#35146) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03204294 MUD RIVER AT HAMLIN, WV (AW#273608) Feet Stage 4.26 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-PALW2 MUD RIVER AT PALERMO (AW#35158) Feet Stage 22.07 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03204250 MUD RIVER AT PALERMO, WV (AW#8253) Feet Stage 22.07 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03204500 MUD RIVER NEAR MILTON, WV (AW#273596) Flow 283 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03204500 MUD RIVER NEAR MILTON, WV (AW#273596) Feet Stage 1.30 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-MULW2 MULLENS (AW#35151) Feet Stage 1.09 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR river-4031 Madams Creek-Madams Creek Road to New River (AW#41233) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4633 Meadow Creek-1. Meadow Bridge to Claypool (AW#43702) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3072 Meadow Creek-Meadow Bridge to Meadow Creek (town) (AW#40253) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2405 Meadow-1. East Rainelle to Russellville (AW#39594) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2406 Meadow-2. Nallen to Route 19 Bridge (AW#39595) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2407 Meadow-3. Route 19 Bridge to confluence with the Gauley River (AW#39596) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3027 Middle Fork-1. Adolph to confluence with Long Run (AW#40209) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2454 Middle Fork-2. Confluence of Laurel Fork to Audra State Park (AW#39643) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2455 Middle Fork-3. Audra State Park to Tygart River Confluence (AW#39644) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-5095 Moore Run-Moore Run Trail to Otter Creek (AW#43949) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-5094 Moore Run-Moore Run Trail to Otter Creek (AW#43948) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-4163 Mountain Creek-CR 4 bridge to Bluestone River (AW#41347) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2412 Muddlety Creek-WV41 to Summersville Lake (AW#39601) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2900 Muddy Creek-Orr to Rt. 26 (AW#40084) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2413 Muddy Creek-WV 26 Bridge to Cheat River (AW#39602) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01606000 N F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CABINS, WV (AW#6437) Flow 523 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01606000 N F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CABINS, WV (AW#6437) Feet Stage 5.39 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-NATW2 NATHANIEL MOUNTAIN RAWS (AW#35153) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d21h58m
USA-WVR hads-NATW2 NATHANIEL MOUNTAIN RAWS (AW#35153) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d21h58m
USA-WVR hads-NATW2 NATHANIEL MOUNTAIN RAWS (AW#35153) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d21h58m
USA-WVR hads-NATW2 NATHANIEL MOUNTAIN RAWS (AW#35153) Yearly Precip. 31.6 in/yr 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-HINW2 NEW RIVER AT HINTON (AW#35115) Feet Stage 3.05 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03184500 NEW RIVER AT HINTON, WV (AW#1429) Feet Stage 3.05 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-THMW2 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND (AW#35191) Feet Stage 7.25 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-THMW2 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND (AW#35191) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 17h59m
USA-WVR hads-THMW2 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND (AW#35191) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 17h59m
USA-WVR hads-THMW2 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND (AW#35191) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 17h59m
USA-WVR hads-THMW2 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND (AW#35191) Yearly Precip. 5.0 in/yr 05h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03185400 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND, WV (AW#1430) Feet Stage 7.25 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03185400 NEW RIVER AT THURMOND, WV (AW#1430) Flow 8920 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-380649081083301 NEW RIVER BELOW HAWKS NEST DAM, WV (AW#37126) Feet Stage 7.68 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01595800 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT BARNUM, WV (AW#538) Flow 246 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01595800 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT BARNUM, WV (AW#538) Feet Stage 3.01 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-CBEM2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CUMBERLAND (AW#28756) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 66h44m
USA-WVR hads-CBEM2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CUMBERLAND (AW#28756) Yearly Precip. 2.9 in/yr 64h00m
USA-WVR hads-CBEM2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CUMBERLAND (AW#28756) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 66h44m
USA-WVR hads-CBEM2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT CUMBERLAND (AW#28756) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 66h44m
USA-WVR hads-LUKM2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT LUKE (AW#28769) Feet Stage 1.69 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01595000 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT STEYER, MD (AW#7036) Flow 260 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01595000 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT STEYER, MD (AW#7036) Feet Stage 3.02 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-BNMW2 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR BARNUM (AW#35055) Feet Stage 2.99 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01603000 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR CUMBERLAND, MD (AW#545) Feet Stage 3.14 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01603000 NORTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR CUMBERLAND, MD (AW#545) Flow 882 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-NFHW2 NORTH FORK HUGHES RIVER AT CAIRO (AW#35155) Feet Stage 42.78 ft 04h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03155405 NORTH FORK HUGHES RIVER NEAR CAIRO, WV (AW#7992) Feet Stage 42.76 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR virtual-6362 New at Fayette Station (AW#43472) Feet Stage 5.01 ft 00h32m
USA-WVR river-2414 New-1. WV/VA State line to Bull Falls Campground (AW#39603) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2415 New-2. Bluestone Dam to Sandstone (AW#39604) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2416 New-3. Sandstone to McCreery (AW#39605) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2417 New-4. McCreery to Thurmond (AW#39606) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4119 New-5. Thurmond to Cunard (AW#41309) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2418 New-6. New River Gorge: Cunard to Fayette Station (AW#39607) Status running 00h32m
USA-WVR river-2419 New-7. New River Dries - Hawks Nest Dam to Gauley Bridge (AW#39608) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2420 North River-Grassy Lick Run to Rio at WV 29 bridge (AW#39609) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-ODDW2 ODD (AW#35156) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 46h58m
USA-WVR hads-ODDW2 ODD (AW#35156) Yearly Precip. 179.6 in/yr 03h14m
USA-WVR hads-ODDW2 ODD (AW#35156) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 46h58m
USA-WVR hads-ODDW2 ODD (AW#35156) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 46h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03111515 OHIO R AT PIKE ISLAND DAM NR WHEELING (UPPER), WV (AW#35886) Feet Stage 12.78 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03111520 OHIO R AT PIKE ISLAND LOCK & DAM (LOWER), WV (AW#35840) Feet Stage 17.41 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-PARW2 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG (AW#35160) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h58m
USA-WVR hads-PARW2 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG (AW#35160) Feet Stage 22.45 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-PARW2 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG (AW#35160) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h58m
USA-WVR hads-PARW2 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG (AW#35160) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h58m
USA-WVR hads-PARW2 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG (AW#35160) Yearly Precip. 1.8 in/yr 11h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03151000 OHIO RIVER AT PARKERSBURG, WV (AW#51345) Feet Stage 22.43 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03201500 OHIO RIVER AT POINT PLEASANT, WV (AW#1445) Feet Stage 25.46 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03112500 OHIO RIVER AT WHEELING, WV (AW#35845) Feet Stage 18.38 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-MBGW2 OPEQUON CREEK NEAR MARTINSBURG 3SE (AW#35138) Feet Stage 2.08 ft 05h58m
USA-WVR usgs-01616500 OPEQUON CREEK NEAR MARTINSBURG, WV (AW#557) Feet Stage 2.09 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01616500 OPEQUON CREEK NEAR MARTINSBURG, WV (AW#557) Flow 103 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR river-11674 Opequan Creek-Golf Course Rd to Mouth of Opequan (AW#280879) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3107 Otter Creek-1. Fish Liming Operation to Big Spring Gap (AW#40288) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2421 Otter Creek-2. Big Springs Gap to Cheat River, Dry Fork (AW#39610) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-FTAW2 PAINTER RUN NEAR FORT ASHBY (AW#35102) Feet Stage 21.13 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01605002 PAINTER RUN NEAR FORT ASHBY, WV (AW#36909) Feet Stage 21.12 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-PANW2 PANTHER CREEK NEAR PANTHER 3SW (AW#35159) Feet Stage 3.39 ft 05h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03213500 PANTHER CREEK NEAR PANTHER, WV (AW#7516) Flow 39 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03213500 PANTHER CREEK NEAR PANTHER, WV (AW#7516) Feet Stage 3.37 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01610195 PARKER HOLLOW RUN AT NEEDMORE, WV (AW#36910) Feet Stage 48.89 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-HDSW2 PATTERSON CREEK NEAR HEADSVILLE 4NE (AW#35113) Feet Stage 3.64 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01604500 PATTERSON CREEK NEAR HEADSVILLE, WV (AW#546) Feet Stage 3.64 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01604500 PATTERSON CREEK NEAR HEADSVILLE, WV (AW#546) Flow 104 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-LCKW2 PETERS CREEK NEAR LOCKWOOD 2E (AW#35132) Feet Stage 5.86 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03191500 PETERS CREEK NEAR LOCKWOOD, WV (AW#8250) Feet Stage 5.86 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03191500 PETERS CREEK NEAR LOCKWOOD, WV (AW#8250) Flow 86 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-PNVW2 PINEVILLE (AW#35168) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 18h44m
USA-WVR hads-PNVW2 PINEVILLE (AW#35168) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 18h44m
USA-WVR hads-PNVW2 PINEVILLE (AW#35168) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 18h44m
USA-WVR hads-PNVW2 PINEVILLE (AW#35168) Yearly Precip. 185.6 in/yr 03h29m
USA-WVR hads-PCRW2 PINEY CREEK AT RALEIGH NEAR BECKLEY (AW#35163) Feet Stage 2.51 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03185000 PINEY CREEK AT RALEIGH, WV (AW#7470) Flow 93 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03185000 PINEY CREEK AT RALEIGH, WV (AW#7470) Feet Stage 2.51 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-PIRW2 PIPESTEM RAWS (AW#35167) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 6d01h57m
USA-WVR hads-PIRW2 PIPESTEM RAWS (AW#35167) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 6d01h57m
USA-WVR hads-PIRW2 PIPESTEM RAWS (AW#35167) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 6d01h57m
USA-WVR hads-PIRW2 PIPESTEM RAWS (AW#35167) Yearly Precip. 37.7 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR usgs-03201000 POCATALICO RIVER AT SISSONVILLE, WV (AW#149416) Feet Stage 4.42 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03201000 POCATALICO RIVER AT SISSONVILLE, WV (AW#149416) Flow 239 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01613000 POTOMAC RIVER AT HANCOCK, MD (AW#555) Feet Stage 4.99 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01613000 POTOMAC RIVER AT HANCOCK, MD (AW#555) Flow 3240 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01618000 POTOMAC RIVER AT SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV (AW#558) Feet Stage 3.61 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01618000 POTOMAC RIVER AT SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV (AW#558) Flow 4770 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-PAWW2 POTOMAC RIVER NEAR PAWPAW (AW#35161) Feet Stage 6.11 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR river-2422 Paint Creek-1. Laurel Grove Church to Mossy (AW#39611) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3419 Paint Creek-2. Mossy to Westerly (former coal yard) (AW#40616) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3420 Paint Creek-3. Westerly (former coal yard) to Burnwell (AW#40617) Status running 01h29m
USA-WVR river-3093 Panther Creek-Confluence with Jim's Branch to confluence with Gauley River (AW#40274) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3337 Patterson Creek, North Fork-Scherr (Rt. 93) to Knobley Rd. (CR 3) (AW#40530) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3444 Peachtree Creek-Pineknob to confluence of Marsh Fork of the Big Coal River (AW#40640) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2423 Peters Creek-County 22 bridge to mouth (AW#39612) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2424 Pinch Creek (Glade Creek tributary)-Pluto to confluence with Glade Creek (AW#39613) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2425 Piney Creek-Beckley to McCreery (AW#39614) Status running 00h29m
USA-WVR river-4037 Pipestem Creek-Tom Honaker Road to Bluestone Lake (AW#41236) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-5454 Potomac, Brushy Fork of the S. Fk. of the S. Br.-Base of Dam to confluence (AW#44076) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-4207 Potomac, Laurel Fork of North Fork of South Branch-VA./WV State line to con (AW#41387) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2428 Potomac, North Branch-1. Henry, WV to Gormania, WV (AW#39617) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2429 Potomac, North Branch-2. Gormania, WV to Kitzmiller, MD (AW#39618) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3290 Potomac, North Branch-3. Kitzmiller, MD to Jennings Randolph Lake (AW#40482) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2430 Potomac, North Branch-4. Barnum, WV to Bloomington, MD (AW#39619) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3241 Potomac, North Branch-5. Bloomington, MD to Keyser, WV (AW#40431) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3325 Potomac, S. Branch-1. VA/ WV state line to CR 23 bridge near the confluence (AW#40517) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-3326 Potomac, S. Branch-2. CR 23 bridge near Thorn Creek confluence to Ruddle ne (AW#40518) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-3327 Potomac, S. Branch-3. Ruddle near Buffalo Run confluence to US 220 bridge n (AW#40519) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-2432 Potomac, S. Branch-4. US 220 Bridge North of Upper Tract to Big Bend Campgr (AW#39621) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-3329 Potomac, S. Branch-5. Big Bend Campground to US220 bridge South of Petersbu (AW#40521) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-3330 Potomac, S. Branch-6. US 220 bridge South of Petersburg to US 220 bridge No (AW#40522) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2433 Potomac, S. Branch-7. US 220 Bridge north of Moorefield to Harmison's Land (AW#39622) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-5453 Potomac, S. Fk of the S. Br.-1. VA/WV state line to confluence of Brushy Fo (AW#44075) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-5441 Potomac, S. Fk. of the S. Br.-2. Confluence of Brushy Fork to Brandywine (AW#44073) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-5440 Potomac, S. Fk. of the S. Br.-3. Brandywine to Fort Seybert ( CR 3 bridge) (AW#44072) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2410 Potomac, S.Fk. of the S.Br.-1. Fort Seybert (CR 3 bridge) to Milam (CR 7/3 (AW#39599) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3334 Potomac, S.Fk. of the S.Br.-2. Milam bridge (CR 7/3) to the confluence of (AW#40527) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3335 Potomac, S.Fk. of the S.Br.-3. Confluence of Shooks Run to Confluence of th (AW#40528) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-11233 Potomac-0.35 Hancock MD to Big Pool/Fort Frederick Campground (AW#274085) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-11284 Potomac-0.35 Hancock, MD to Big Pool/Fort Frederick Campground (AW#274714) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-11285 Potomac-0.45 Williamsport to Dam #4 (AW#274715) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-11236 Potomac-0.45 Williamsport to Dam #4 (AW#274089) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3289 Potomac-Harpers Ferry - Dam #3 to Rt. 340 Bridge (AW#40481) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3387 Pringle Run-Above Falls to Cheat River (AW#40584) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-RHWW2 RED OAK KNOB NEAR RICHWOOD 9NE (AW#35177) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 44h13m
USA-WVR hads-RHWW2 RED OAK KNOB NEAR RICHWOOD 9NE (AW#35177) Yearly Precip. 57.9 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-RHWW2 RED OAK KNOB NEAR RICHWOOD 9NE (AW#35177) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 44h13m
USA-WVR hads-RHWW2 RED OAK KNOB NEAR RICHWOOD 9NE (AW#35177) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 44h13m
USA-WVR hads-RCPW2 ROCK CAMP (AW#35174) Yearly Precip. 12.2 in/yr 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-RCPW2 ROCK CAMP (AW#35174) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h59m
USA-WVR hads-RCPW2 ROCK CAMP (AW#35174) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h59m
USA-WVR hads-RCPW2 ROCK CAMP (AW#35174) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01618100 ROCKYMARSH RUN AT SCRABBLE, WV (AW#41701) Flow 5 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01618100 ROCKYMARSH RUN AT SCRABBLE, WV (AW#41701) Feet Stage 0.93 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3301 Red Creek-1. Red Creek Recreation Area to North Branch Bridge (AW#40493) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2434 Red Creek-2. D4149 North Branch Bridge to confluence with the Dry Fork (AW#39623) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3302 Red Run-Ford along FS 13 road to confluence of Dry Fork (AW#40494) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2858 Roaring Creek-County Rd. 3-12 to Cheat River (AW#40041) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01607500 S F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT BRANDYWINE, WV (AW#549) Feet Stage 1.85 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01607500 S F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT BRANDYWINE, WV (AW#549) Flow 65 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01608000 S F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NR MOOREFIELD, WV (AW#550) Feet Stage 3.27 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01608000 S F SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NR MOOREFIELD, WV (AW#550) Flow 93 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-FWOW2 SALTLICK CREEK AT FLATWOODS (AW#35103) Feet Stage 60.94 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03151550 SALTLICK CREEK NEAR FLATWOODS, WV (AW#36475) Feet Stage 60.94 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03151915 SAND FORK NEAR GLENVILLE, WV (AW#273614) Flow 33 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03151915 SAND FORK NEAR GLENVILLE, WV (AW#273614) Feet Stage 2.75 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-SNFW2 SAND RUN NEAR BUCKHANNON 5SE (AW#35181) Feet Stage 2.45 ft 05h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03052500 SAND RUN NEAR BUCKHANNON, WV (AW#7351) Flow 28 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03052500 SAND RUN NEAR BUCKHANNON, WV (AW#7351) Feet Stage 2.39 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-0318989690 SEWELL CREEK AB LTL SEWELL CREEK AT RAINELLE, WV (AW#273610) Feet Stage 4.18 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-STYW2 SHARPS KNOB NEAR SLATY FORK (AW#35183) Yearly Precip. 13.3 in/yr 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-STYW2 SHARPS KNOB NEAR SLATY FORK (AW#35183) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 62h43m
USA-WVR hads-STYW2 SHARPS KNOB NEAR SLATY FORK (AW#35183) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 62h43m
USA-WVR hads-STYW2 SHARPS KNOB NEAR SLATY FORK (AW#35183) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 62h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03068000 SHAVERS FORK AT BEMIS, WV (AW#1324) Feet Stage 4.34 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03068800 SHAVERS FORK BELOW BOWDEN, WV (AW#1325) Feet Stage 5.26 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03068800 SHAVERS FORK BELOW BOWDEN, WV (AW#1325) Flow 601 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03067510 SHAVERS FORK NR CHEAT BRIDGE, WV (AW#5944) Feet Stage 5.42 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03067510 SHAVERS FORK NR CHEAT BRIDGE, WV (AW#5944) Flow 199 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-BOWW2 SHAVERS FORK OF CHEAT RIVER BELOW BOWDEN (AW#35056) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 11h14m
USA-WVR hads-BOWW2 SHAVERS FORK OF CHEAT RIVER BELOW BOWDEN (AW#35056) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 11h14m
USA-WVR hads-BOWW2 SHAVERS FORK OF CHEAT RIVER BELOW BOWDEN (AW#35056) Yearly Precip. 3.2 in/yr 07h13m
USA-WVR hads-BOWW2 SHAVERS FORK OF CHEAT RIVER BELOW BOWDEN (AW#35056) Feet Stage 5.35 ft 06h28m
USA-WVR hads-BOWW2 SHAVERS FORK OF CHEAT RIVER BELOW BOWDEN (AW#35056) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 11h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01636500 SHENANDOAH RIVER AT MILLVILLE, WV (AW#564) Flow 1630 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01636500 SHENANDOAH RIVER AT MILLVILLE, WV (AW#564) Feet Stage 2.64 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-MILW2 SHENANDOAH RIVER NEAR MILLVILLE (AW#35140) Feet Stage 2.66 ft 04h43m
USA-WVR hads-FKLW2 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT FRANKLIN (AW#35099) Feet Stage 2.04 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-01605500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT FRANKLIN, WV (AW#547) Flow 98 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-01605500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT FRANKLIN, WV (AW#547) Feet Stage 2.04 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-01608070 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR MOOREFIELD, WV (AW#551) Feet Stage 8.09 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-01606500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR PETERSBURG, WV (AW#548) Flow 652 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01606500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR PETERSBURG, WV (AW#548) Feet Stage 4.79 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01608500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR SPRINGFIELD, WV (AW#552) Feet Stage 2.71 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01608500 SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER NEAR SPRINGFIELD, WV (AW#552) Flow 1160 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03114283 SOUTH FORK FISHING CREEK AT SMITHFIELD, WV (AW#273612) Flow 11 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03114283 SOUTH FORK FISHING CREEK AT SMITHFIELD, WV (AW#273612) Feet Stage 1.65 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03155220 SOUTH FORK HUGHES RIVER BELOW MACFARLAN, WV (AW#45207) Flow 113 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03155220 SOUTH FORK HUGHES RIVER BELOW MACFARLAN, WV (AW#45207) Feet Stage 5.59 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-01606900 SOUTH MILL CREEK NEAR MOZER, WV (AW#8249) Feet Stage 8.97 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2435 Saltlick Creek-Amblersburg to Rowlesburg (AW#39624) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-3745 Sand Run-Confluence of Beech Run to confluence of Buckhannon River (AW#40947) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2436 Sandlick Creek-Dameron to confluence with Marsh Fork of Big Coal River (AW#39625) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3239 Seneca Creek-1. (Upper) Judy Springs to Forest Service Campground (AW#40429) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2439 Seneca Creek-2. (Lower) Forest Service Campground to Route 28 Bridge (AW#39628) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3443 Shenandoah-1. VA/WV state line to Bloomery Road (WV 9) (AW#40639) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2440 Shenandoah-2. Bloomery Road (WV 9) to Millville (AW#39629) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2441 Shenandoah-3. Millville to Harpers Ferry (AW#39630) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-3344 Sleepy Creek-1) CR 13 near Smith Crossroads to CR 9 near Meadow Branch conf (AW#40537) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-3345 Sleepy Creek-2) CR 9 near Meadow Branch confluence to Potomac confluence (AW#40538) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2958 Sovern Run-Co. Rd. 14-3 to Rockville (AW#40142) Status too low 00h29m
USA-WVR river-2442 Stony River-2. Route 50 to North Branch of Potomac River (AW#39631) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2761 Sugar Creek-Confluence of Little Sugar Creek to confluence of Back Fork of (AW#39949) Status too low 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-TCSW2 TEN MILE CREEK NEAR SALEM NEAR CLARKSBURG (AW#35188) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-TCSW2 TEN MILE CREEK NEAR SALEM NEAR CLARKSBURG (AW#35188) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-TCSW2 TEN MILE CREEK NEAR SALEM NEAR CLARKSBURG (AW#35188) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-TCSW2 TEN MILE CREEK NEAR SALEM NEAR CLARKSBURG (AW#35188) Yearly Precip. 1.6 in/yr 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03056250 THREE FORK CREEK NR GRAFTON, WV (AW#1314) Flow 242 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03056250 THREE FORK CREEK NR GRAFTON, WV (AW#1314) Feet Stage 4.52 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-TFGW2 THREE FORKS CREEK NEAR GRAFTON 1E (AW#35189) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-TFGW2 THREE FORKS CREEK NEAR GRAFTON 1E (AW#35189) Feet Stage 4.53 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-TFGW2 THREE FORKS CREEK NEAR GRAFTON 1E (AW#35189) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-TFGW2 THREE FORKS CREEK NEAR GRAFTON 1E (AW#35189) Yearly Precip. 7.9 in/yr 10h29m
USA-WVR hads-TFGW2 THREE FORKS CREEK NEAR GRAFTON 1E (AW#35189) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-TMRW2 TOMLINSON RUN RAWS NEAR NEW MANCHESTER 1NNW (AW#35192) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 68h58m
USA-WVR hads-TMRW2 TOMLINSON RUN RAWS NEAR NEW MANCHESTER 1NNW (AW#35192) Yearly Precip. 26.0 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-TMRW2 TOMLINSON RUN RAWS NEAR NEW MANCHESTER 1NNW (AW#35192) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 68h58m
USA-WVR hads-TMRW2 TOMLINSON RUN RAWS NEAR NEW MANCHESTER 1NNW (AW#35192) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 68h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03213000 TUG FORK AT LITWAR, WV (AW#273609) Feet Stage 4.90 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03213000 TUG FORK AT LITWAR, WV (AW#273609) Flow 583 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03159750 TUG FORK AT STATTS MILLS, WV (AW#7993) Feet Stage 51.25 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-WLCW2 TUG FORK AT WELCH (AW#35204) Feet Stage 3.86 ft 03h14m
USA-WVR hads-WLCW2 TUG FORK AT WELCH (AW#35204) Yearly Precip. 4.4 in/yr 16h15m
USA-WVR hads-WLCW2 TUG FORK AT WELCH (AW#35204) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 17h14m
USA-WVR hads-WLCW2 TUG FORK AT WELCH (AW#35204) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 17h14m
USA-WVR hads-WLCW2 TUG FORK AT WELCH (AW#35204) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 17h14m
USA-WVR hads-WILW2 TUG FORK AT WILLIAMSON (AW#35202) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WILW2 TUG FORK AT WILLIAMSON (AW#35202) Feet Stage 5.89 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-WILW2 TUG FORK AT WILLIAMSON (AW#35202) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WILW2 TUG FORK AT WILLIAMSON (AW#35202) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WILW2 TUG FORK AT WILLIAMSON (AW#35202) Yearly Precip. 2.2 in/yr 05h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03212750 TUG FORK DOWNSTREAM OF ELKHORN CREEK AT WELCH, WV (AW#1471) Flow 195 cfs 01h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03212750 TUG FORK DOWNSTREAM OF ELKHORN CREEK AT WELCH, WV (AW#1471) Feet Stage 3.85 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-KRMW2 TUG FORK RIVER NEAR KERMIT (AW#35131) Feet Stage 6.53 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-TUSW2 TUSCARORA CREEK ABOVE MARTINSBURG (AW#35194) Feet Stage 2.27 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01617000 TUSCARORA CREEK ABOVE MARTINSBURG, WV (AW#36747) Feet Stage 2.27 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-01617000 TUSCARORA CREEK ABOVE MARTINSBURG, WV (AW#36747) Flow 3 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03207061 TWELVEPOLE CREEK AT LAVALETTE, WV (AW#273726) Feet Stage 6.34 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-TGLW2 TYGART LAKE NEAR GRAFTON 2S (AW#35190) Yearly Precip. 8.3 in/yr 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-TGLW2 TYGART LAKE NEAR GRAFTON 2S (AW#35190) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-TGLW2 TYGART LAKE NEAR GRAFTON 2S (AW#35190) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-TGLW2 TYGART LAKE NEAR GRAFTON 2S (AW#35190) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03056000 TYGART VALLEY R AT TYGART DAM NR GRAFTON, WV (AW#36591) Feet Stage 10.74 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03056000 TYGART VALLEY R AT TYGART DAM NR GRAFTON, WV (AW#36591) Flow 6590 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03051000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT BELINGTON, WV (AW#1311) Feet Stage 5.45 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03051000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT BELINGTON, WV (AW#1311) Flow 1500 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03057000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT COLFAX, WV (AW#1315) Feet Stage 9.05 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03057000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT COLFAX, WV (AW#1315) Flow 6420 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03049975 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT MILL CREEK, WV (AW#273599) Feet Stage 5.11 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR hads-PHIW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI (AW#35165) Yearly Precip. 0.1 in/yr 10h29m
USA-WVR hads-PHIW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI (AW#35165) Feet Stage 6.28 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-PHIW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI (AW#35165) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-PHIW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI (AW#35165) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h43m
USA-WVR hads-PHIW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI (AW#35165) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h43m
USA-WVR usgs-03054500 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI, WV (AW#1313) Flow 3870 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03054500 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT PHILIPPI, WV (AW#1313) Feet Stage 6.26 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03049925 TYGART VALLEY RIVER AT VALLEY HEAD, WV (AW#273601) Feet Stage 3.53 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-03050339 TYGART VALLEY RIVER BYPASS CHANNEL NEAR ELKINS, WV (AW#274743) Feet Stage 14.69 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-BELW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR BELINGTON (AW#35048) Feet Stage 5.63 ft 05h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03050000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY, WV (AW#1309) Flow 571 cfs 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-03050000 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY, WV (AW#1309) Feet Stage 3.13 ft 01h14m
USA-WVR hads-ELKW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS (AW#35092) Yearly Precip. 8.0 in/yr 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-ELKW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS (AW#35092) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-ELKW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS (AW#35092) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-ELKW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS (AW#35092) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 08h44m
USA-WVR hads-ELKW2 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS (AW#35092) Feet Stage 4.76 ft 05h13m
USA-WVR usgs-03050500 TYGART VALLEY RIVER NEAR ELKINS, WV (AW#1310) Feet Stage 4.60 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-DLYW2 TYGRAT VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY (AW#35088) Feet Stage 3.14 ft 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-DLYW2 TYGRAT VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY (AW#35088) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-DLYW2 TYGRAT VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY (AW#35088) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-DLYW2 TYGRAT VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY (AW#35088) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-DLYW2 TYGRAT VALLEY RIVER NEAR DAILEY (AW#35088) Yearly Precip. 0.2 in/yr 06h13m
USA-WVR river-2444 Tea Creek-Confluence of the Right Fork to the confluence with the Williams (AW#39633) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2446 Teter Creek-Nestorville to Tygart River (AW#39635) Status too high 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2447 Thorn/Whitethorn Creek-Moyers to South Branch of Potomac River confluence n (AW#39636) Status too low 00h23m
USA-WVR river-2448 Three Fork Creek-Near WV 92 to Thornton (AW#39637) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR virtual-6193 Tinker's Creek Second Try (AW#43452) Flow 764 cfs 00h47m
USA-WVR virtual-6194 Tinker's Creek Third Try (AW#43453) Flow 426 cfs 00h47m
USA-WVR river-2449 Trout Run-Halfmoon Trail to WV 55/259 bridge (AW#39638) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3320 Tygart Valley-1. Valley Head to US 219 bridge near the confluence with Elkw (AW#40512) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-3321 Tygart Valley-2. US 219 bridge near the confluence of Elkwater Fork to Hutt (AW#40513) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2450 Tygart Valley-3. Aggregates to the confluence with Beaver Creek (AW#39639) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2451 Tygart Valley-4. Belington to Buckhannon River (AW#39640) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2452 Tygart Valley-5. Above Arden to Big Cove Run (AW#39641) Status running 01h14m
USA-WVR river-2453 Tygart Valley-6. Valley Falls to Hammond (AW#39642) Status too high 01h14m
USA-WVR usgs-01613020 UNNAMED TRIB TO WARM SPR RUN NR BERKELEY SPR, WV (AW#8832) Feet Stage 44.11 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-CFRW2 UPPER ELK RIVER AT CLIFTON FORD NEAR BIG RUN 1W (AW#35070) Feet Stage 5.51 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-CFRW2 UPPER ELK RIVER AT CLIFTON FORD NEAR BIG RUN 1W (AW#35070) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-CFRW2 UPPER ELK RIVER AT CLIFTON FORD NEAR BIG RUN 1W (AW#35070) Yearly Precip. 7.1 in/yr 11h14m
USA-WVR hads-CFRW2 UPPER ELK RIVER AT CLIFTON FORD NEAR BIG RUN 1W (AW#35070) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-CFRW2 UPPER ELK RIVER AT CLIFTON FORD NEAR BIG RUN 1W (AW#35070) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 11h59m
USA-WVR hads-UPTW2 UPPER TRACT RAWS (AW#35195) Yearly Precip. 34.8 in/yr 00h57m
USA-WVR hads-WRDW2 WAITES RUN NEAR WARDENSVILLE (AW#44517) Feet Stage 3.88 ft 04h13m
USA-WVR usgs-01613030 WARM SPRINGS RUN NEAR BERKELEY SPRINGS, WV (AW#50898) Flow 3 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-01613030 WARM SPRINGS RUN NEAR BERKELEY SPRINGS, WV (AW#50898) Feet Stage 1.87 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03154000 WEST FORK LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT ROCKSDALE, WV (AW#1409) Flow 99 cfs 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03154000 WEST FORK LITTLE KANAWHA RIVER AT ROCKSDALE, WV (AW#1409) Feet Stage 6.26 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03058000 WEST FORK R BL STONEWALL JACKSON DAM NR WESTON, WV (AW#1317) Flow 37 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03058000 WEST FORK R BL STONEWALL JACKSON DAM NR WESTON, WV (AW#1317) Feet Stage 8.44 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03058500 WEST FORK RIVER AT BUTCHERVILLE, WV (AW#1318) Feet Stage 1.88 ft 00h44m
USA-WVR usgs-03058500 WEST FORK RIVER AT BUTCHERVILLE, WV (AW#1318) Flow 119 cfs 00h44m
USA-WVR hads-ENTW2 WEST FORK RIVER AT ENTERPRISE (AW#35096) Feet Stage 3.43 ft 02h29m
USA-WVR usgs-03061000 WEST FORK RIVER AT ENTERPRISE, WV (AW#1320) Feet Stage 3.38 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03061000 WEST FORK RIVER AT ENTERPRISE, WV (AW#1320) Flow 799 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03057300 WEST FORK RIVER AT WALKERSVILLE, WV (AW#1316) Feet Stage 4.58 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-WTNW2 WEST FORK RIVER AT WESTON (AW#35210) Feet Stage 6.32 ft 04h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03058020 WEST FORK RIVER AT WESTON, WV (AW#5785) Feet Stage 6.30 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-CLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR CLARKSBURG 5S (AW#35075) Feet Stage 2.52 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-CLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR CLARKSBURG 5S (AW#35075) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-CLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR CLARKSBURG 5S (AW#35075) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h28m
USA-WVR hads-CLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR CLARKSBURG 5S (AW#35075) Yearly Precip. -3.8 in/yr 08h15m
USA-WVR hads-CLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR CLARKSBURG 5S (AW#35075) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h28m
USA-WVR usgs-03058975 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR MOUNT CLARE, WV (AW#1319) Feet Stage 2.52 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-WLKW2 WEST FORK RIVER NEAR WALKERSVILLE (AW#35207) Feet Stage 4.64 ft 05h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03112000 WHEELING CREEK AT ELM GROVE, WV (AW#1372) Feet Stage 2.49 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03112000 WHEELING CREEK AT ELM GROVE, WV (AW#1372) Flow 91 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-MWRW2 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON 1E (AW#35152) Feet Stage 13.21 ft 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-MWRW2 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON 1E (AW#35152) Yearly Precip. 7.6 in/yr 10h14m
USA-WVR hads-MWRW2 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON 1E (AW#35152) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 12h58m
USA-WVR hads-MWRW2 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON 1E (AW#35152) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 12h58m
USA-WVR hads-MWRW2 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON 1E (AW#35152) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 12h58m
USA-WVR usgs-03061430 WHETSTONE RUN NEAR MANNINGTON, WV (AW#8252) Feet Stage 13.25 ft 00h29m
USA-WVR hads-SUPW2 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (AW#35186) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 62h58m
USA-WVR hads-SUPW2 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (AW#35186) Yearly Precip. 39.7 in/yr 01h29m
USA-WVR hads-SUPW2 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (AW#35186) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 62h58m
USA-WVR hads-SUPW2 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS (AW#35186) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 62h58m
USA-WVR hads-WTMW2 WHITMER 3W RAIN GAUGE (AW#35209) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WTMW2 WHITMER 3W RAIN GAUGE (AW#35209) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WTMW2 WHITMER 3W RAIN GAUGE (AW#35209) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 06h58m
USA-WVR hads-WTMW2 WHITMER 3W RAIN GAUGE (AW#35209) Yearly Precip. 6.6 in/yr 01h44m
USA-WVR hads-DYRW2 WILLIAMS RIVER AT DYER (AW#35091) Feet Stage 2.83 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03186500 WILLIAMS RIVER AT DYER, WV (AW#8716) Flow 444 cfs 00h59m
USA-WVR usgs-03186500 WILLIAMS RIVER AT DYER, WV (AW#8716) Feet Stage 2.83 ft 00h59m
USA-WVR hads-WOLW2 WOLF PEN (AW#35208) Yearly Precip. 195.2 in/yr 03h29m
USA-WVR hads-WOLW2 WOLF PEN (AW#35208) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 16h15m
USA-WVR hads-WOLW2 WOLF PEN (AW#35208) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 16h15m
USA-WVR hads-WOLW2 WOLF PEN (AW#35208) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 16h15m
USA-WVR usgs-0311404647 WV FORK FISH CREEK NEAR HUNDRED, WV (AW#273617) Flow 9 cfs 00h23m
USA-WVR usgs-0311404647 WV FORK FISH CREEK NEAR HUNDRED, WV (AW#273617) Feet Stage 3.89 ft 00h23m
USA-WVR river-2456 Waites Run-Wilson Cove to WV 55 bridge near the confluence of Lost River (AW#39645) Status too low 01h14m
USA-WVR river-11673 Wheeling Creek-Majorsville Rd., near PA State Line to Ohio River, Wheeling, (AW#280862) Status running 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2457 Whiteday Creek-Confluence of Cherry Run to Monongahela River (AW#39646) Status too low 00h44m
USA-WVR river-4190 Williams-1. Day Run Camping area to Tea Creek (AW#41371) Status running 00h44m
USA-WVR river-2458 Williams-2. Tea Creek to Three Forks of Williams (AW#39647) Status too low 00h59m
USA-WVR river-2459 Williams-3. Three Forks of Williams to Gauley River (AW#39648) Status too low 00h59m
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