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National Park Service Shares 2024 Gauley Season Details (WV)

08/23/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater is happy to share an open letter to boaters from the great rangers and staff of the Gauley River National Recreation Area, which contains some new information this year. This letter will keep you up to date on important management actions of the National Park Service on the Gauley River for the 2024 season. In addition, as part of our agreement with the land owner, there is no camping allowed on the Legg field that American Whitewater leases for overflow parking. As always, respect this and other private property. Enjoy, be safe, and be ready to help others out there. 

AW Wins Court Battle Protecting Green River (VT) Boating

09/21/2018 - by Robert Nasdor

The Vermont Superior Court sided with American Whitewater in a long-running dispute with the state over whitewater boating on the Green River in Morrisville. The Court overturned state restrictions that would have eliminated any meaningful opportunity for boaters to enjoy this extraordinary river and required scheduled releases in a ground breaking decision.