Gauley Fest Vendor Information

Register for a vendor space:



Questions can be directed to Bethany Overfield at or 866-262-8429.

Vendor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: When should vendors arrive to set-up? A: Vendors may start setting up as early as Thursday afternoon if necessary (vending is not allowed on Thursday night however). Vendors setting up on Friday should plan to have their booths setup by 5pm. Vendors setting up on Saturday should plan to have their booths setup by 3pm.

Q: What night should vendors setup for? A: Probably both. In the past, Saturday night was the main festival night. However, as Gauley Fest has grown, Friday night has become just as popular. Vendors may setup for whatever nights they want; those looking to get the most out of their booth purchase will be setup for both Friday and Saturday night.

Q: When will the field have electricity? A: Power will be available by nightfall on Friday night or earlier if possible.

Q: What kind of electrical service is supplied? A: Every booth will be within 100 feet of a power box which will be located in the rear of the booths. Vendors will need to bring GFI extension cords that will reach from their booth to a power station. The length of the cords needed will depend on their booth location, we recommend at least a 100 ft extension cord.

Q: When do I have to put on my entrance wrist band? A: You are required to do so as soon as you enter the festival site. “I forgot” and “I’m a vendor…” are popular excuses non-vendors use to sneak in. Please help us prevent this by putting on wristbands and wearing them at all times.

Q: Where do vendors get their Vendor Packets? A: All vendors must report to the Festival Headquarters (prior to set-up) to pick up their Vendor Packet. Festival Headquarters is located on the left of the entry to the festival site.

Q: What is included with the purchase of a booth? A: The booth space(s), four gate bands for each booth purchased, and a map of the field with your space(s) highlighted. Additional gate bands can be purchased separately if necessary.

Q: How many employees/team members can a vendor bring in? A: Each booth space comes with a number of entrance bands. Additional entrance bands are $20 per band and can only be used for vendors that need entrance for additional employees.

  • Each Basic booth includes 4 entrance bands
  • Each Premiere booth includes 8 entrance bands
  • Each Non-profit booth includes 4 entrance bands
  • Each Food booth includes 4 entrance bands

Q: Where’s my booth located? A: Vendors will have a mini map in their Vendor Packet that has their space(s) highlighted. There will also be a Master Map at the Festival Headquarters.

Q: Can I reserve a particular booth space? A: No. Specific booth spaces and locations are NOT guaranteed. However, AW does everything it can to accommodate requests. Not receiving your preferred booth location will not be an acceptable reason for refund.

Q: What is prohibited at Gauley Fest? A: The sale of drug paraphernalia, selling goods outside of vendor spaces, unleashed and/or aggressive dogs, fires that do not adhere to Park regulations and glass containers. Any vendor trying to sell drug paraphernalia will be removed from the festival site by police and will not receive a refund. Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided to anyone under 21.

Q: Can I bring my dog to the Festival? A: Yes, but you are encouraged to leave your dog at home. Each dog must have a gate band attached to its collar ($30 for Thurs-Sun and $20 Sat). The dog must be leashed at all times and the leash cannot be any longer than 6’. Aggressive and/or loose dogs will be impounded immediately.

Q: Do vendors need to pay West Virginia sales tax? A: Vendors are individually responsible for complying with all West Virginia Sales Tax laws. For more information about WV Sales Tax rules and laws please visit:

Q: Can vendors share and/or sell alcoholic beverages? A: Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold at Gauley Fest. Vendors that choose to provide alcohol at Gauley Fest do so on their own responsibility. Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided to anyone under 21. Glass bottles are very strictly prohibited inside the festival grounds (it's a park/children's play area). It is the vendor's responsibility to follow applicable alcohol laws. Also, vendors must cleanup any mess generated by their provision of alcohol (e.g. cups in their booth space).

Q: Are booth fees refundable? A: No.

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