September 2011: The NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Commission (NC DENR WRC) plans to remove both dams on Big Hungry and has put out a request for proposals to do the work.

This is GREAT news for Big Hungry and for fans of free-flowing rivers everywhere. Untold tons of sediment will be removed from behind the dams, including the log-jam behind the lower dam, and everybody's a winner…..the aquatic ecosytem, the fishermen, hikers, and paddlers alike. Sediment issues in the Green River watershed are discussed a bit further on this AW page. The two dams are not in use and haven't generated power in decades. There are a few photos of the lower dam on the AW Big Hungry page. Here is a one minute video from atop the upper dam.

AW and the paddling community will be weighing in to support funding and implementation of this exciting project.