
Security limits the actions of users on the site. This may be used to control what a member or nonmember can see or do, but also can be used to control who has administrator privilege to a certain function.

There are permissions which are assigned a group in the group manager. The components on the website than can be managed by group or permission. There is one built-in permission called “super admin” which gives users the ability to do anything on the site (automatic authorization). Other permissions are more general. The “forum admin” permission is used to give a person administrative rights to the forum software to create and edit forums. The permission “store admin” works the same way.

There are a couple rules for built-in groups. Members are people who are AW members. Users are people who have registered on the site. All AW members are users. So to block access to non-members

simply require membership of a component.

There are three ways a component can be squelched. You can set it to return a blank box in place of the component. You may choose that a message be shown (default) or you may choose that a login box show in place of the component.

I will demonstrate here how to implement security to lock a particular section away from a user.

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